Anyone have any suggestions for a cherry blend to try? Or not to try? LOL
Looking for a really good room note
Looking for a really good room note
I still like aros, but Big Van makes a good point."Looking for a really good room note"
Then I suggest you buy a scented candle and spare yourself a rookie mistake.
I hope that isn't about me... :DBefore you defame the cherry blends out there,there is someone(who shall remain nameless)on this site that does like a certain cherry blend(Paladin)and touts its greatness.I believe the quote is"Don't look behind the curtain"
That's too bad! I just tried it and I like it myself, I'd recommend it to the OP.Top Black Cherry is the only blend that I ever threw up from after smoking.
I think I had food poisoning, but the negative connotations remain. I gag when I smell the stuff.