, among others, has worked out a pretty good routine description
of estate pipes and their qualities and shortcomings that seems to offer a pretty good
objective report. A standard observation about given pipes is "charring at the brim," or
"darkening at the rim," or some such. I always think of that when I pick up one of my
favorite briars to pack it. To tell the truth, I don't know whether that is a shortcoming or
a recommendation for a pipe. My favorites all have a little more charring at the brim from
use. Dark stains and dark 'blasts don't show much or any, in some cases. But I think
darkening at the rim may be a recommendation as much as points off. And "lightly smoked"
may not be a plus; there may be a good reason a pipe was not smoked much. Always hard
to sort out the mere coincidence from signs of trouble.
of estate pipes and their qualities and shortcomings that seems to offer a pretty good
objective report. A standard observation about given pipes is "charring at the brim," or
"darkening at the rim," or some such. I always think of that when I pick up one of my
favorite briars to pack it. To tell the truth, I don't know whether that is a shortcoming or
a recommendation for a pipe. My favorites all have a little more charring at the brim from
use. Dark stains and dark 'blasts don't show much or any, in some cases. But I think
darkening at the rim may be a recommendation as much as points off. And "lightly smoked"
may not be a plus; there may be a good reason a pipe was not smoked much. Always hard
to sort out the mere coincidence from signs of trouble.