I have been enjoying pipes and tobacco now for a little over a year. In that time, I have been fortunate to experience so many wonderful blends, but tended judge a lot of them based upon my first experience. So, those blends went into flavor savor bags and had their air sucked out. They sat there for anywhere from 6-10 months and were generally forgotten. Now I am at the point where I want to experience individual components to better understand them. Enter Izmir Turkish. I pulled that out of storage and found it to be bone dry. But, I was amazed at how subtlety amazing it is. I originally equated Orientals with Latakia (just not my thing), so I never tried it for my assumptions. Now, looking at all of the blends I enjoy above all others, I see they mostly have Orientals. I look forward to exploring more Oriental-forward blends. But, the point of this was to tell any new pipe smokers to have fun challenging your assumptions and never fear trying blending components to better pick them out in the blends you try.