It's good to have well-maintained pipes, but this might be a little bit overboard!
admin Smoking a Pipe Right Now Staff member Nov 16, 2008 8,890 5,781 St. Petersburg, FL May 1, 2012 #1 It's good to have well-maintained pipes, but this might be a little bit overboard!
waznyf Part of the Furniture Now Apr 24, 2012 742 48 30 Texas May 1, 2012 #3 I can't decide if I'd go that far yet but something inside me says "yeeessss you want that" -creepy Golem voice Might be overboard haha but imagine the condition of your pipes with service like that!
I can't decide if I'd go that far yet but something inside me says "yeeessss you want that" -creepy Golem voice Might be overboard haha but imagine the condition of your pipes with service like that!
cortezattic Lifer Nov 19, 2009 15,147 7,642 Chicago, IL May 1, 2012 #4 I just had this crazy image of Bob Tate flying that thing!
grizzly86 Part of the Furniture Now Apr 5, 2012 692 1 May 1, 2012 #5 @rickpal14 that is exactly what I thought after I looked at it.
admin Smoking a Pipe Right Now Staff member Nov 16, 2008 8,890 5,781 St. Petersburg, FL May 1, 2012 #6 LOL Cortez! I was just talking to Bob last week.
crpntr1 Lifer Dec 18, 2011 1,981 157 Texas May 1, 2012 #7 :rofl: :rofl: Everyone doesn't have that service :?:
spartan Lifer Aug 14, 2011 2,963 7 May 3, 2012 #9 NO no no! He's smoking under a helicopter he's going to get a burn out!! The horror!
spartan Lifer Aug 14, 2011 2,963 7 May 3, 2012 #11 @zanthal Bob Tate did some killer reviews and articles a while back, hasn't been active in a while. I don't have the background story for ya.
@zanthal Bob Tate did some killer reviews and articles a while back, hasn't been active in a while. I don't have the background story for ya.