Captain Black Little Filtered Cigars

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Jun 9, 2024
I'm going to start off by saying that I know this might not seem like the right category, and maybe it isn't, but I'm very specifically looking for information on these from a pipe tobacco perspective. Of course if it stills belongs in the "cigar" category instead then I apologize!

Also, I will say that I am a pipe man through and through. I do not, and have not ever, used tobacco in any other form. So, admittedly, I do not know much about tobacco outside of pipes. One day I came across these Captain Black Little Filtered Cigars on P&C and was really curious. I looked around the internet and it looks like there's an entire category of products that seem like they're really just cigarettes by another name. I'm curious about these in general, frankly, and would love to hear what anyone knows about them. However, my specific question is about the Captain Black versions.

First of all, have any of you pipe smokers actually tried them? I'd love to hear about your experience. Specifically, is it ACTUALLY pipe tobacco inside? The marketing on the P&C page implies very heavily that it is:

"Now, even if you don't have your pipe gear with you, you can still indulge in the delightful experience of Captain Black with their convenient little cigars. Perfect for those moments when you crave the goodness of Captain Black but don't have access to your pipe, these little cigars offer a satisfying alternative. Enjoy the pleasure of Captain Black Pipe Tobacco in a variety of flavors wherever you are with these little cigars."

It never actually says that it contains Captain Black pipe tobacco, just that you can enjoy the pleasure of Captain Black pipe tobacco. It may seem negligible, but I've had enough experience to know those aren't necessarily the same thing.

You might say, "Hey, idiot just buy them and find out for yourself". The problem is, no matter where I've searched I can only find them sold as an entire carton. I'd have to buy 10 packs of 20 little cigars just to try a single one. I'm curious about them, but not curious enough to waste that money without at least hearing from some others first.

So, if you have any experience with these please let me know! My focus is on their suggestion that they are a legitimate alternative to pipe smoking - is that true? Or are they just small cheap cigars. Or are they really just cigarettes by another name so they get taxed differently?? I've been thinking about this for months and would love some information!


*For what it's worth, I have searched this site multiple times (both using the internal search as well as using google and specifying this website) and have not found a single thread or comment. In fact, I can't really find anybody talking about these anywhere online.
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Oct 16, 2020
60 seconds on the internet and I found tons of customer reviews on various seller sites. Many love them, many say they are crap. They are cheap flavored cigars, only you would know if you like them. Some suggest it isn't pipe tobacco at all, the description could mean almost anything. I've never tried one but I'm 100% sure you won't find anything resembling a pipe smoking experience with them if that is the goal. Unfortunately, buying some is the only way you'll know. --- 4Noggins will sell you a 20 pack for $4.99, purchase at your own risk.


Can't Leave
Jun 19, 2017
They started my cigar then pipe journey, they’re ok and I’d smoke them if I had no other options, but to me they’re just small cheap flavoured cigars that burn too quickly…. For that type of product look at Backwoods flavoured cigars, bigger still sweet, but much tastier and more natural. Pretty sure Captain Black cigars are available most places that sell cigarettes tho, easy to find.
Jun 9, 2024
60 seconds on the internet and I found tons of customer reviews on various seller sites. Many love them, many say they are crap. They are cheap flavored cigars, only you would know if you like them. Some suggest it isn't pipe tobacco at all, the description could mean almost anything. I've never tried one but I'm 100% sure you won't find anything resembling a pipe smoking experience with them if that is the goal. Unfortunately, buying some is the only way you'll know. --- 4Noggins will sell you a 20 pack for $4.99, purchase at your own risk.
Thanks for the reply! I probably should have been more specific that I couldn’t find any actual discussion about them, but of course I found reviews. The problem is that reviews are not often meaningful in so many circumstances and especially so when I have no idea of the reviewer’s background, experience, and expectation. Getting some thoughts from people here means I at least have some idea of where they’re coming from (i.e. a pipe tobacco focus).

I found two different websites that had listings for single packs, but they were never actually in stock the many times I checked (but the full cartons always were). I convinced myself they basically weren’t sold in single packs.

I’ll keep an eye out for them locally, since now the idea is in my head it probably won’t go away until I just finally try them. But I take your warning that it’s probably nothing like a pipe experience!
Jun 9, 2024
My local Walmart sells them so maybe check that out. I bought a few packs and I really liked them. Reminds me I should pick up some more of the cherry ones.
I will keep an eye out locally! I’ve never seen them in person. But as I’ve mentioned I don’t use (and therefore don’t buy) other tobacco products, and all of my pipe blends are purchased online. So it’s possible I’ve just overlooked them on the occasions I’ve been looking at other tobacco products. Although I feel so sure that the Captain Black name would have caught my eye!
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Oct 25, 2013
New Zealand
I had one once. It was everything you could expect from a small cheap flavoured cigarerello/cigarette.

My recommendation is buy a pack if you happen to spot it at the counter one day, but don't bother hunting it down.
Jun 9, 2024
They started my cigar then pipe journey, they’re ok and I’d smoke them if I had no other options, but to me they’re just small cheap flavoured cigars that burn too quickly…. For that type of product look at Backwoods flavoured cigars, bigger still sweet, but much tastier and more natural. Pretty sure Captain Black cigars are available most places that sell cigarettes tho, easy to find.
Thanks for the suggestions! To be honest my only experience with any flavored cigars was watching as friends cut them open, dumped the tobacco, and replaced it with the devil’s lettuce. There was an understanding that the tobacco was garbage and most people were buying them for the same purpose. I’ve mentally clumped all packaged cigars together into that group. But, hey, I’ve got nothing to lose since they’re cheap and I can buy them in person!


Oct 16, 2020
Thanks for the reply! I probably should have been more specific that I couldn’t find any actual discussion about them, but of course I found reviews. The problem is that reviews are not often meaningful in so many circumstances and especially so when I have no idea of the reviewer’s background, experience, and expectation. Getting some thoughts from people here means I at least have some idea of where they’re coming from (i.e. a pipe tobacco focus).

I found two different websites that had listings for single packs, but they were never actually in stock the many times I checked (but the full cartons always were). I convinced myself they basically weren’t sold in single packs.

I’ll keep an eye out for them locally, since now the idea is in my head it probably won’t go away until I just finally try them. But I take your warning that it’s probably nothing like a pipe experience!

It's just so individual in terms of taste, but the main takeaway is it seems like it's not pipe tobacco, not to say you wouldn't enjoy a flavored cigar of one brand or another. I picked up some coffee infused cigars (Drew Estate) a few weeks ago and am about ready to give one a try, maybe today or tomorrow, now they've "rested" a bit and settled in the little humidor. Who knows - could be "yum", could be "yuck" - the note off the wrapping and tobacco is pretty tempting, though.


Part of the Furniture Now
I have them, and I like them, but . . . . I have another solution to those who may be interested. No, these little cigars are not pipe tobacco, but mine are. Here is my Christmas Present to myself:


I use this wonderful machine (Amazon, $65 bucks Canadian, and the tubes shown because they are totally without additives, to make my own home rollies out of pipe tobacco. Here are a few results and comparisons:


On the left is a Captain Black cigarillo, and on the right is how I smoke them - I twist them into a mouthpiece taken of a Colt Whiskey, which I smoke quite regularly. Good fit and lets you smoke the cigarillo less like a cigarette and more like a pipe. Works for me - can make one of these little suckers last for 12 - 15 minutes and the taste is a lot better.

On the right of the Captain Black package, shown for color interest and proof that I actually smoke them lol, is a Colt Whiskey for size comparison. To the right of that is one of my homerollies, using Smoker's Pride Whiskey tobacco. To the right of that is a custom fit (the filter is a little too large to squeeze into the mouthpiece) that a friend whomped up for me on his 3D printer. It fits perfectly, and improves the smoke for the same reasons.

If you go this route, you'll find that the resultant homerollies taste just like the pipe tobacco, but a bit stronger.

Use ribbon cut tobaccos. My favourites are Smoker's Pride Whiskey and Classic tobaccos, Borkum Riff Dark, Captain Black Cherry Cavendish (better than the original imho) and the best is Sir Walter Raleigh.

I smoke as many cigars as I do pipes because I am a competitive shooter and Small Bore director of the Prince George Rod and Gun Club, and spend a lot of time on the range, where a pipe is a totally useless in-the-way thing. If I take a break, usually no longer than 15 minutes to clear the old noodle, I smoke a Swishers Sweet, and if I want a shorter break a Captain Black if I've been too lazy to roll a few, or a rollie.

Works for me!!
Jun 9, 2024
I have them, and I like them, but . . . . I have another solution to those who may be interested. No, these little cigars are not pipe tobacco, but mine are. Here is my Christmas Present to myself:

View attachment 368060

I use this wonderful machine (Amazon, $65 bucks Canadian, and the tubes shown because they are totally without additives, to make my own home rollies out of pipe tobacco. Here are a few results and comparisons:

View attachment 368061

On the left is a Captain Black cigarillo, and on the right is how I smoke them - I twist them into a mouthpiece taken of a Colt Whiskey, which I smoke quite regularly. Good fit and lets you smoke the cigarillo less like a cigarette and more like a pipe. Works for me - can make one of these little suckers last for 12 - 15 minutes and the taste is a lot better.

On the right of the Captain Black package, shown for color interest and proof that I actually smoke them lol, is a Colt Whiskey for size comparison. To the right of that is one of my homerollies, using Smoker's Pride Whiskey tobacco. To the right of that is a custom fit (the filter is a little too large to squeeze into the mouthpiece) that a friend whomped up for me on his 3D printer. It fits perfectly, and improves the smoke for the same reasons.

If you go this route, you'll find that the resultant homerollies taste just like the pipe tobacco, but a bit stronger.

Use ribbon cut tobaccos. My favourites are Smoker's Pride Whiskey and Classic tobaccos, Borkum Riff Dark, Captain Black Cherry Cavendish (better than the original imho) and the best is Sir Walter Raleigh.

I smoke as many cigars as I do pipes because I am a competitive shooter and Small Bore director of the Prince George Rod and Gun Club, and spend a lot of time on the range, where a pipe is a totally useless in-the-way thing. If I take a break, usually no longer than 15 minutes to clear the old noodle, I smoke a Swishers Sweet, and if I want a shorter break a Captain Black if I've been too lazy to roll a few, or a rollie.

Works for me!!
Thanks for the idea/info! I was just thinking this morning that if these CB ones aren’t actually pipe tobacco, what’s to stop me from just putting some pipe tobacco in my own? Admittedly I wasn’t thinking of tubes. I’m probably going to give this a try, even just as an excuse to buy the cigarette machine. There’s something wrong with me, and I am an absolute sucker for any sort of machine. I actually bought a really cheap version of one these, a box of tubes, and a pouch of Bugler and made some cigarettes years ago. I don’t smoke cigarettes and never have, but I had heard about these and was fascinated. I ended up throwing all of it away after a while because I had no use for it and neither did anyone I know. I’ve been looking at these nicer ones recently and, despite not smoking cigarettes, I still want one.
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Nov 26, 2024
If you want pipe tobacco in convenient on-the-go form, just buy some empty cigarette tubes on Amazon and a $40 hand-crank cigarette maker. Just be sure to let the tobacco dry for a while before loading. I've done it a few times and quite enjoyed it. It's certainly no pipe, but it's nice in a pinch.


Can't Leave
Sep 10, 2020
I've been meaning to try these for forever but like you, have put it off because I'd only found full cartons and they're actually alot more money than most "filtered cigars". I'd always assumed that this price difference (over double) was because they used legit Captain Black pipe tobacco, but again I cannot speak from direct experience.

I will add though that if you want a quick, quality pipe smoke in a convenient cigar format, the surest bet I've found so far are Black & Milds. Sure, the more flavored ones can get annoying but the originals, apple, and Middleton cherry versions are all filled with quality pipe tobacco that Middleton used to sell loose for the pipe. People like to knock them but I enjoy the heck outta them when I'm on the go and don't wanna fiddle with/break/lose one of my real pipes


Mar 15, 2023
Olympia, Washington
I've been meaning to try these for forever but like you, have put it off because I'd only found full cartons and they're actually alot more money than most "filtered cigars". I'd always assumed that this price difference (over double) was because they used legit Captain Black pipe tobacco, but again I cannot speak from direct experience.

I will add though that if you want a quick, quality pipe smoke in a convenient cigar format, the surest bet I've found so far are Black & Milds. Sure, the more flavored ones can get annoying but the originals, apple, and Middleton cherry versions are all filled with quality pipe tobacco that Middleton used to sell loose for the pipe. People like to knock them but I enjoy the heck outta them when I'm on the go and don't wanna fiddle with/break/lose one of my real pipes
I've seen speculation that Black & Milds use Carter Hall


Apr 26, 2024
London UK
I was rootling about in the "cellar" this morning and found 3 sealed packs of Marlboro Green (menthol), banned here since 2020. Anyway, back to our scheduled programme...
Last edited:


Mar 15, 2023
Olympia, Washington
I was rootling about in the "cellar" this morning and found 3 sealed packs of Marlboro Green (menthol), banned here since 2020. Anyway, back to our scheduled programme...
Gotta love how even after the Brexit the UK still does all the same nanny state bullshit that the EU demands of member states
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