Can Smoking Make Me Sick?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 16, 2012
Guys sorry this is probably the most uninteresting post ever.

Can pipes smoking upset your stomach? That's probably the most polite least gross way I could ask!
Edit: Capitalized title, L.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 16, 2012
I've gone from smoking 20 rollies minimum in a day to 3 pipes with no rollies so don't think it's that. Thank god cos I'm really enjoying my pipes! Must just have a bug.



Apr 17, 2011
Sure it can. A strong blend to a dirty pipe to the wrong time of day. There are factors that may contribute to you getting sick.

If it only happens with one pipe or one blend, stop smoking them. Without knowing more its hard to pinpoint.



Jul 2, 2010
Here's what I have found: If I smoke a really strong tabac with lots of vitamin N, I will get ill. I have even thrown up a time or two (sorry). But that was my fault because of (1) smoking a very strong tobacco, say one of the Samuel Gawith ropes and (2) smoking it way too fast. I hit the pot top and bottom, if you get my drift.
My advice is to smoke a very lite N blend and sip it, not puff.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 6, 2012
If you inhale, that can definitely do it. Even regular smokers (cigarettes included) can turn green if they inhale too much pipe or cigar smoke.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 26, 2012
Yup.. if I get too much nicotine, I usually get clammy.. dizzy.. and then my stomach gets upset. I notice it most when I used to try to keep the fire lit so I don't hurt my pride and relight :)
Sometime when I get a higher nicotine content tabak I feel it a little. I don't like nicotine as I was never a cigarette smoker so I try to control my intake.



Dec 8, 2010
Odds are if you threw up after smoking your pipe it was related to nicotine. If not, it was most likely unrelated.
If a tobacco tastes so bad and offensive as to trigger your gag reflex and turn your stomach, then I can't see anybody smoking it long enough to cause you to get sick in the first place...
With that said, I still cannot smoke a particular cherry cavendish because I smoked it on the same night I got food poisoning; ever since I have bad associations with the smell, let alone the taste of that blend...
It is a mistake to assume you are automatically up for the nicotine challenge of some blends even though you smoke cigarettes. There are blends out there that can really pack a wallop in a short amount of time, as opposed to the short bursts of nicotine that cigarettes provide.
Guys who chew or dip are probably the least likely to feel nicotine because they release high amounts of nicotine over an extended period.
If you feel dizzy, your heart races, you sweat, you feel nauseous - that's probably nicotine.
If you just get sick to your stomach on one occasion, then maybe its the blend somehow but first I'd examine what you've eaten.

Aug 14, 2012
Yes. You have to know when to put the pipe down. For me it usually just before the dottle (about the bottom quarter). Feeling sick is more inclined to happen on an empty stomach. If you want a big smoke, do it after a big meal.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2011
Chicago, IL
We had a tin of Peterson University flake back when we were in undergrad. Not sure what made this particular tin different, but it was just incredibly strong in Nic. Everyone one who smoked it could barely walk for a bit. It was insane and we've never gotten a tin even close to as potent since.
Anyway we were sittin around smoking pipes one night, and a cigarette smoking buddy comes up and starts bashing pipe smoking. He didn't understand the draw for flavor, after all it is still just smoke so it can't taste that good, and the nic from cigs is just the best. He loved the nic buzz and couldn't get enough of it. So we told him, well, if you like nic so much we have a blend that'll make you dizzy, and you can see what all the flavor hype is about. He agreed to try some, we gave him the usual warnings against inhaling and sipping the smoke. He assured us the nic will hardly effect him. Now, I can not say for certain if he inhaled or smoked to fast. We set him up and sort of let him be as we continued to enjoy our now quieter night. About 20 minutes later, however, we notice he is lying down and no longer smoking. We ask how he's doing, and to answer, he rolls onto his side and ralphs all over the sidewalk!



Can't Leave
Aug 20, 2010
Lake Conroe, TX
I agree with the earlier poster that yes it sure can if you smoke on an empty stomach and if it has a higher nicotine hit. You will lose this tendency after you get seasoned. I have not gotton sick to my stomach in many years no matter the blend or if I am hungry or not.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 17, 2012
happened to me last week. smoked about a half a bowl of Hyde Park, got sick to my stomach and had to lay down for the rest of the evening. it wasnt cool at all. found out i cant handle a lot of Vitmain N.



Aug 10, 2010
Cheshire, CT
An overdose of Vitamin N will cause lightheadedness, nausea and diarrhea. It's happened to all of us at one time or another. Sometimes even with blend that we particularly enjoy. Try the same blend again, but this time smoke it verrrrry slowly. If you experience the same reaction, try another blend.

And a quick cure for nicotine overdose: spoonful of honey or sugar. works almost instantly!



Dec 3, 2011
Pleasanton, CA
Yes. It can make you terribly ill. Send all your pipes, tobacco, and pipe smoking accessories to me so I can properly dispose of them. (I thought I'd never get a chance to say that) :mrgreen:
I've never gotten sick from smoking a pipe, but I HAVE gotten pretty damned sick from smoking an entire Excalibur cigar.
Too much nicotine when you're not used to it can make you feel lightheaded, give you a headache, make you nauseous, or all three.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 6, 2012
It's happened to me a few times.

My first cigarette, my first pipe, and happens when I'm smoking way too fast.

If I begin to feel noxious, I just set my pipe down and come back to it later.



Jul 2, 2010
Let me just make one more point on the sick call list. I once smoked almost a pound a week from Edward's. It was Scottish Moor. I thought I was strong as a mule when it comes to smoking. I never really got ill from smoking any sort of tabac.
I never, ever got car sick or sea sick. I once ate an entire bucket of KY Fry while on a big game fishing trip with some experienced Navy men, who were green and puking up their guts over the side. I just kept on chomping on a greasy chicken leg.
Now that I am older (make that much older), I have to take it easy on the strong stuff. It can get to me a lot quicker and I find that my constitution is not the same. Maybe it's just me now that I am an old coot who loves his pipes and tobaccos.



May 4, 2011
If I smoke a high nic blend like 5 brothers, it will spin me around and pimp slap me. My solution is to stay with the lower nic blends and if I do get wobbly from nicotine, I eat some chocolate and sip a Coca Cola and they will be gone in no time. OJ or other sweet juice is good, too. Russ did an article on it a while back.

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