There are 2 types of infections you could have, bacterial or viral. There are many different types and strains of both viruses and bacterial infections...if your sputum and nasal congestion is not deep green or brown, then it's likely viral, and antibiotics will have no effects. Drink lots of clear liquids, take OTC meds for the symptoms and get lots of rest. However a viral infection can turn into a bacterial infection so stay alert and if your not significantly better after 7 days, you need to see a physician. Also, NO SMOKING while your body is fighting this infection. Regardless if you inhale or not, smoking ur pipe or cigars will make recovery more difficult and could lead to it turning into a bacterial infection. Phil is Absolutely wrong, all colds are not viral, and you can catch the same viral strain regardless if the virus mutates or not, and it's highly recommended that you clean anything that you've had in your mouth while you've been sick. Just because you recouperate from having a virus, it does not mean you become immune to that virus or bacterial strain. You immune system will become stronger but NOT immune.
We are exposed to viruses and bacterial daily, our immune system is constantly working to fight them off. In fact, we all have "healthy" bacteria living on our skin and in our bodies call "good flora", but a virus can gain entry into ur body and catch you at just the right time when your immune system is down and flourish in the right environment. Additionally, both bacteria and viruses can live on surfaces for many days, sometimes it's a good idea to clean your pipes that you've smoked while sick. While the likely hood of relapse from re-contamination is small, you shouldn't take a chance.
So after this long infectious disease ramble, the bottom line smoking while you have attention to those symptons...if it's clear or yellowish discharge, it's probably viral and you need rest, Otc meds for the symptoms, and lots and lots of fluids. If your symptoms don't improve after 7 days or your symptoms worsen and discharge becomes dark Brown or green, it's probably become bacterial and you NEED antibiotics. Wash your hands A LOT especially after you cough or sneeze to keep from re-introducing germs back into your system.