Good morning. Last night I was just scrolling a bit and seeking to do some reading about calabash pipes. I currently have four and hope to get more. In my research, I found that a lot of my fellow pipers own Calabash pipes, but rarely smoke them because they are worried about how to clean them. I bought my first calabash in 1979 and have smoked thousands of bowls of tobacco from it, often multiple bowls in one day. I always wipe the bowl out with a paper towel after every smoke and at the end of the day, I separate the bowl from the gourd and twisted paper towel around. Of course I clean the stem with pipe cleaners. That calabash I bought in 1979 smokes as well today as it did then. I'm sure there is some buildup in the gourd, but who cares if it's still smokes well.
One of my calabash pipes has a particularly small bowl lasting no more than a half hour. I like a longer smoke so I just load it twice in a row.
The quality of smoke from a calabash is different than from a briar and if I'm having a long day where I will smoke 8 to 10 bowls, I always use a calabash.
Of course I don't clench with it and usually use it when I'm sitting around a fire with my buddies or sitting in my living room just contemplating life.
I'm curious if any of you have a calabash in your normal rotation? Do you guys smoke your calabash pipes regularly or are they in your collection because they are just cool looking? Either is great but I'm just curious how my fellow Pipers approached their calabash pipes.
One of my calabash pipes has a particularly small bowl lasting no more than a half hour. I like a longer smoke so I just load it twice in a row.
The quality of smoke from a calabash is different than from a briar and if I'm having a long day where I will smoke 8 to 10 bowls, I always use a calabash.
Of course I don't clench with it and usually use it when I'm sitting around a fire with my buddies or sitting in my living room just contemplating life.
I'm curious if any of you have a calabash in your normal rotation? Do you guys smoke your calabash pipes regularly or are they in your collection because they are just cool looking? Either is great but I'm just curious how my fellow Pipers approached their calabash pipes.