Cake Issue.....

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Can't Leave
Jun 12, 2013
I had finished smoking my Nording Smooth freehand a couple weeks ago, and after dumping the ash I noticed a small hole in the chamber of my pipe. This hole wasn't there before, I touched my czech tool to it trying to gauge the depth of it and a 1/4"X1/4" piece of cake fell off. Gently touch it this continued for a spot probably 3/4"X1/2". Cake was about a dime thickness. I have never used any honey or anything in my pipes. I've just allowed my cake to build up naturally. This had me wondering what had happened, but I wasn't too worried. Then my Peterson Natural Author did the same thing the other day while i was cleaning it. My oupes used to rest for atleast 24 hrs, but now that my rotation has grown they rarely rest less than 2 days. I try to wait 3-4, but sometimes I i just want to smoke the pipe bad enough I don't wait that long. Have any of you run into this issue before?




Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
I'm trying to envision what you're seeing. I think I understand and I've seen this before in some of my pipes. I think the thing is to get the cake left in the bowl to be even all around. So scrape the bowl and get it even. Are you smoking aromatics that are a bit wet? That could cntibute to a loose deposit in the bowl.

At any rate I don't think there is anything to be overly concerned about. Keep an eye on things and wipe the interior of the bowl with a paper towel after every smoke. This should help build an even cake.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 16, 2013
I know exactly what you are talking about and I've had this happen several times for various reasons. I have tried the honey trick and though it works to build cake fast, what ended up happening is that the cake that built up over the honey was weak and fell off in the same manner within a short time.
I just ignore it when that happens and by smoking my pipe it fills in and smooths out over time. A dime's thickness of cake doesn't take long to build, so you could either ignore it and keep smoking, or scrape all the cake and start over. Personally, I just ignore it, because I've been reaming my pipe completely every few weeks lately anyways, as I am beginning to believe breaking in a pipe has more to do with seasoning the briar than it does with lots of cake. I notice that my pipes taste just as good after reaming them.
The main thing is to find out why the cake breaks off, and avoid that. Usually with me it's from stupidly knocking my hot pipe too hard when knocking out ashes. That or tamping with my finger and catching the cake at the top with a nail, which wouldn't happen if a) I used a proper tamper or b) I maintained my cake smooth with either a pipe knife, or a paper towel ream after each smoke.



Feb 21, 2013
I build cake really slowly, and I rotate my pipes pretty regularly, not necessarily in a given

order, but they all get smoked. I do wipe out the bowl each and every time I smoke, after

I empty the bowl with the scoop of a pipe tool or pipe nail, and after blowing out any loose

tobacco, but before using a pipe cleaner on the airway. Wiping out the bowl removes most

loose tobacco debris and ash, and evens out the cake build up a lot. Some of my pipes are

more than 30 years old and have never needed reaming. I have never had the experience of

having pieces of cake break away from the inside of the bowl. Other long-time pipe smokers

on Forums have mentioned not having to ream a pipe, and some not owning reamers.

Habits in smoking vary a lot, but I think wiping out the bowl rigorously prevents problems.



Jul 13, 2011
I also build cake slowly due to my smoking and cleaning process. Briar will break in and thus make a pipe smoke better, stay lit better, or smoke cooler, but a little thin layer of cake does help with each of these things. In your case I agree with the above brothers, just smoke it, your briar is by now broken in and the cake will fill in over time, just make sure you maintain it and don't let it get too thick.



Can't Leave
Jun 12, 2013
I do clean out the inside of the bowl with a pipe cleaner after smoking, not a paper towel though. If any high spots start to produce themselves in the cake I have a dull knife that I even them out with. I try to maintain nice cake. But these part just flaked off with the slightest touch. Then after the area chipped off the rest of the cake appears to be solid as can be. It just didn't add up.




Can't Leave
Jun 12, 2013
I'll give it a shot Roth. I'm not using bristled cleaners in the bowl, just standard cleaners. I did neglect

To Mention one thing. This isn't just some thickness of the cake that chipped off. It came off all the the way to the pre carb/briar on them both.




Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 7, 2012
I typically wipe my pipe out with a paper towel and some grain alcohol so I don't typically build up a large amount of cake and have never stressed about it. Most of my pipes are working pipes so I smoke them as much as I need to while working and when one burns out I buy another. I try to keep most of my pipe purchases under $100 so if I get a few years out of a pipe and get a burn out I don't stress too much. I can see how this could be a major experience though in a collectors pipe or one of high intrinsic value. I agree with the posters that say don't stress about it and smoke it. I don't think in the great scheme of things cake makes that much of a difference to insulation value to the briar wood but it certainly seems to make a difference to taste. Peterson pipes I find have a horrible taste during break in until cake is developed.



Might Stick Around
Oct 1, 2013
I agree with the guys above. I wouldn't be overly concerned about it. Personally I use a Q-tip to wipe out my bowls after every smoke as they seem to be more absorbent than a pipe cleaner. If you smoke aromatics especially be sure to wipe it out good so that you won't be left with a soft cake.

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