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Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 22, 2024
Sussex, England
Let's be frank, I'm a pipe man. I have up cigarettes years ago and I don't smoke cigars. Well not really.

When I was a kid I had a Saturday job helping the milkman on his rounds. He'd sit in the milk float while I dashed about delivering the milk.

He smoked Henri Winterman's Cafe Creme cigarellos. They had a sweet, vanilla aroma.

When I last bought some tobacco, I was amazed to see that they are still in production, albeit under a boring new brand name of Signature Original with an equally joyless tin.

Not being a cigar man, I thought I'd give them a go with a coffee. Wow. Really enjoyed them and the aroma was so evocative! Instantly I was 13 and on a cold winters morning with a background of chattering crates and barked orders from the old boy I was working for! Incredible.

I've now taken to smoking them when I haven't got time for a pipe bowl and fins they especially hit the mark with an early morning espresso. I've also added a tin of Hamlet miniatures to my stock, their unique aroma reminiscent of working men's clubs as a young man.

These small things can truly be smoke fuelled time machines, a little pinch of days gone by, the taste and smells swirling with the smoke and steam from my coffee into a dream of another world.

And I've since bought a proper old tin to smoke them from, not that modern rubbish.....😉IMG_20241002_163516811.jpg