This is the second time in a fortnight I've been bowled over with enjoyment on a new (to me) tobacco! Last time it was War Horse Green, this time C&D King Cake! I don't do reviews, I just do "enjoys". There are far more extremely well versed reviewers amongst our most excellent membership! That being said, C&D sells this as an "aromatic" in their Cellar Series. I'm always on the lookout for aro's that have most excellent basic tobaccos whose glory also shines. This one did that for me! The Virginias in the blend were top notch, the perique made delightfully various peeks into the mix, and the aromatic component was delicious! I smoked this in a capaciously large-bowled Polinski pipe that gave me a 2.5 hour reverie with King Cake! Even when it reached the point deep in the bowl where lesser aro's get bitter and nasty, the base tobaccos in this blend carried it home to perfect conclusion! I am finding far too many blends all of a sudden that I really like!!
The tobacco:
The pipe:
Incidently the tin-note was another one I liked so much I could tie it in a mesh bag around my neck and sniff it all day, AND Her Majesty totally dug the room note... she did kind of a double-take and actually came back into my smoking domain in the garage to enjoy it some more! (very unusual!)
The tobacco:

The pipe:

Incidently the tin-note was another one I liked so much I could tie it in a mesh bag around my neck and sniff it all day, AND Her Majesty totally dug the room note... she did kind of a double-take and actually came back into my smoking domain in the garage to enjoy it some more! (very unusual!)