I found this interesting, so I thought I'd share.
I pulled data for March 2011. Some days of the week occur 5 times and other days occur 4 times, so I averaged the numbers.
Interestingly, the busiest day of the week is Thursday and the slowest day is Tuesday. The 2nd slowest day is Wednesday, and the 3rd slowest day is Monday.
So, generally, the first half of the week is slower than the second half. Thursday, Friday, Saturday are the busiest days. However, I suspect that Saturday will start slowing down as the weather continues to get warmer.
Another thing worth noting is that all of the days aren't really that far off from each other. Overall, the traffic is actually pretty steady.
The difference between the busiest day and the slowest day is 12%.
Day Avg Traffic
Thursday 7,233
Friday 6,881
Saturday 6,879
Sunday 6,806
Monday 6,676
Wednesday 6,499
Tuesday 6,330
I pulled data for March 2011. Some days of the week occur 5 times and other days occur 4 times, so I averaged the numbers.
Interestingly, the busiest day of the week is Thursday and the slowest day is Tuesday. The 2nd slowest day is Wednesday, and the 3rd slowest day is Monday.
So, generally, the first half of the week is slower than the second half. Thursday, Friday, Saturday are the busiest days. However, I suspect that Saturday will start slowing down as the weather continues to get warmer.
Another thing worth noting is that all of the days aren't really that far off from each other. Overall, the traffic is actually pretty steady.
The difference between the busiest day and the slowest day is 12%.
Day Avg Traffic
Thursday 7,233
Friday 6,881
Saturday 6,879
Sunday 6,806
Monday 6,676
Wednesday 6,499
Tuesday 6,330