I occasionally will enjoy a bowl of cart Hall or Burley Light Without Bite, and I especially love Kentucky Dark Fired for the N kick and that deep down smokey taste. But (For Me) when I smoke a burley, which doesn't bite me, it messes with the PH balance in my mouth, so that when I go back to one of the more acidic Virginias, I then get a bite.
This is why I look for that burley taste in new blends and aros, to see if I am going to get a bite with my next bowl of Va or VaPer. It's not that the burley taste is bad (to me), but messes with the way I enjoy my more preferred blends.
And, note, this is my observations. Some may be able to switch back and forth with no problems, and for that I am just slightly jealous. I wish I could switch back and forth with no problems. It may just be a dietary or body chemistry thing.