BRIAR NATION: A Club With A Purpose- "Smoke In Their Honor."

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Can't Leave
Feb 25, 2014
Hello all! You are invited to join Briar Nation! Join us and "Smoke In Their Honor."

A few months ago, after returning from Japan I started Briar Nation. Throughout my 5 years of smoking I've always been so surprised by how many fellow pipers there are with prior service in the military and civil services. Equally, there are as many supporters who understand that these are not easy professions. Though, these people volunteer to do these things they deserve some recognition and the memories of those who have shed blood in their defense should be honored. "Smoke In Their Honor" That was my motivation for creating what started off as #BriarNation. Our operation is fairly small right now but we are quickly gaining support and recognition. My future plans for the group are to sell Briar Nation gear for the purpose of raising and donating money to the highest graded NON profit organizations for veterans (sorry wounded warriors :)).
Briar Nation is a unique, exciting Facebook based pipe club that is open to anyone and hosts video pipe club meetings about twice a month. Our members are very close knit and we love busting each others chops. Each month we hold contests and frequently trade and gift each other things. We've gotten a lot of support in our brief conception.

This weekend on Sunday Dec 14th, we will be hosting a video club meet with special guest, Jonathan Lavezzo of Moonshine Pipe Co.! Jonathan was recently featured in the PM Radio Show and is an active member and HUGE Briar Nation supporter. All are welcomed to join. Just click the link and come check us out. If you have any questions you can PM me or find me on Facebook. Hope to see you there, and as always
Support The Troops!



Feb 28, 2014
I am a member of Jeremy's group and definitely second joining in if you are on FB. The group is growing fast and there seems to be a lot of great people, both men and women, who have already joined. Dan (yazmitaz), i've been meaning to send you a group invite to join but i keep forgetting. Jeremy, if you see this post invite Dan when you get a chance. I want to join you on Sunday if possible as well. Not sure if you will be doing it at your pad or if maybe you want to head up to emerson's or something?
Anyways, check out the group ladies and gentlemen and thank you Jeremy for creating yet another outlet to spread the word and bring together fellow pipe smokers and veterans alike!



Can't Leave
Feb 25, 2014
ZERO love from the forums! Lol guess I'll just go f**k myself. Anyhow, I'll certainly hit up Dan. The video meet I'll be doing at my place at 7. So bring yourself on over! It'll be a good time.



Can't Leave
Sep 30, 2014
Sounds like a very cool group you have going, good on you for supporting the veterans after all they have done for their country. We Aussies also stand behind our soldiers past and present, my brother is a mechanic on the big choppers (Chanook's used for lifting jeeps etc.. into & out of war zones).

Now he has got a promotion where he flies with the pilot and acts as a go-between for the pilot and the chopper. When the Chanook has a problem my brother diagnoses the issue and gets the parts flown in to fix it on the spot.
Anyway I stand behind anyone who defends their country for the right and honourable reasons.



Can't Leave
Feb 25, 2014
Dot- Things are working out quite well actually. We've gotten over 40 new members in the past 2 weeks alone. I just figured I'd extend an invitation to the forum crew. But as I suspected based on posts from others in the past, forum members are often disinclined to participate in any other forms of "social media" outside of the forums.



Can't Leave
Feb 25, 2014
And Toby, let your brother know we are thankful for his service. I love you Aussies! Had the privilege to work with you guys before and as far as I'm concerned were all family fighting the same fight.



Might Stick Around
Jan 8, 2011
Is it me or is the pipe smoking Soldier in the logo wearing a German Stahlhelm???

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