thanks for all the sugguestions, to clarify what i mean by raw tobacco taste, i mean a more earthy kinda tone to it, ive tried some similar blends with similar leafs and they can be so vastly different i have a hard time understanding what really makes it what it is.
Basically the raw tobacco taste to me is that earthy tone, i wanna know im smoking a plant, i dont need any leathery flavors or smokey flavors i like that deep earthy tea-like punch to the tobacco thats almost like i just picked it fresh and stuck it in my pipe.
i tried billybudd and that stuffs pretty good but i am not a huge huge fan of that much latakia.
i tried enough blends to get the full range of tobaccos out there and it seems inconsistent to me, i can get 2 different blends that are using almost the same leafs and the same amount and it taste so vastlye different from one another, thats why im asking this queestion or i'd just keep looking for stuff and trying stuff out, but there comes a point where you dont want to spend much more money then you already have trying to find something, i just want to enjoy it, and i got about 3 blends i enjoy.
i have tried haunted bookshop i did like that one.
i've tried bayou morning that was alright aswell, but i still really just like that earthy flavor from the jacknife plug and the orlik it just tastes more like nature and natural organic materiel like a nice fine tea or a cigar or dark chocolate, something along those lines.
Jacknife plug and orlik have been my favorites so far, however jacknife isnt something i can just have whenever i want, and the orlik is more like something id smoke early on, it leaves me always wanting more, so i want something inbetween. that is my ideal tobacco.
i keep looking keep trying, keep reading, keep studying, doesent seem to make a difference and my wallet is reaching its limit lol. i want some no nonsense blends i know i can always enjoy no matter what time or what day for a while untill i branch out and try more blends.