Right now, C&D Night Train appears to be the blend I smoke the most. Oddly, it is not as "interesting" as other blends I smoke. Yet, I regularly find it in my pipe. I think I saw someone else here state a similar sentiment about a blend that they did not love, but smoked it like someone who loves that particular blend. That aside, I wanted to query the collective experience/wisdom here to see if there is a blend like Night Train that has a little more fruit/sweet to it. With Night Train, when I puff on it, I do get some fruit and sweet, but it is usually overwhelmed by the burley. Chenet's cake certainly has more of the fruit, but is less of what I am looking for. As an interesting test, I just combined 1/3rd of Chenet's cake with 2/3rd of Night Train in a mason jar. I am going to test to see if that makes anything close to what I seek. However, if anyone here knows of a blend to try, I am all ears.