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Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 12, 2023
Last night I had the unfortunate opportunity to smoke for the first time, since I started smoking a year ago, by myself. I usually smoke in the morning while drinking coffee with my wife, visiting with friends, or at night while sitting by the fire pit while my wife has a drink and we both just wind down. I always enjoyed every one of these opportunities.

Last night, while not expecting to fully enjoy my last smoke of the day, had the longest, most flavorful, relaxing smoke since I began smoking!! I totally missed the nighttime routine with my wife, but I stepped into a whole new experience! I sat for a little over an hour (longest smoke I’ve ever had) and still didn’t finish. My breathing, sipping, and enjoying this amazing bowl of GLP Windjammer! This is also the first time that I noticed the flavor change as I got deeper into the bowl, or should say, I didn’t notice when or where it changed… it was magical the way it transitioned from sweet, hay like flavor, to deep/dark fruit to nutty slight spice, and then back to a little sweet cocoa flavor. WOW!!! The flavor evolved and I couldn’t even tell when… just happened so subtly! If this is what I can expect in the future… I’m hooked!!!


Jun 4, 2021
Tasmania, Australia
Pipe smoking is like golf. You hack up the fairways with slices and hooks and putt with a putter that appears to have a bent shaft, double head and an inability to even connect with the ball and then one day it comes together and you put a round in that even shocks your mates and just like that the bastard game from hell has its hooks into you and so it goes, ebb and flow. Nirvana type smokes drift in and out but you remember them and they draw you back looking for the same over and over but like golf it can be difficult to replicate.


Dec 7, 2021
Pipe smoking is like golf. You hack up the fairways with slices and hooks and putt with a putter that appears to have a bent shaft, double head and an inability to even connect with the ball and then one day it comes together and you put a round in that even shocks your mates and just like that the bastard game from hell has its hooks into you and so it goes, ebb and flow. Nirvana type smokes drift in and out but you remember them and they draw you back looking for the same over and over but like golf it can be difficult to replicate.
This is a wonderful analogy 👍

The more you smoke the more you get those Nirvana smokes. I find this to be especially true the more intimate you become with a fewer amount of blends and pipes.
Jul 26, 2021
While I enjoy a pipe with company on occasion, my favorite smokes are usually in the morning before the neighborhood awakens with a bottomless cup of coffee.

I'm usually at peak enjoyment when suddenly interrupted by the ladies of the house needing something. Sigh.
Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
I primarily smoke by myself, but about once a week a friend comes over to have a pipe or cigar. In the spring/summer months, my wife will sometimes join me on the patio or around the fire pit. My best smokes are usually by myself when I can pay attention to the pipe or cigar. If I have company, I'm too distracted to really pay attention to the pipe or cigar.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 2, 2019
Sounds like you have a great routine! Good to break things up once in a while, though, as your experience goes to show.
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Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
The less I think about it the better. A pipe will nearly smoke itself with little thought or effort.
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