Keeping with the plug scenario the Benner Olive Wood bamboo shanked Volcano arrived. It's a sweet little group 2 bowl weighing in at about 9/10's of an oz. Loaded it up with Wessex Gold Brick and the nuance of olive oil was there in the first 1/3 of the bowl then settled down to nearly neutral with simply the luxurious taste of the tobacco but reminiscence of the old oil cured Italian Caminetto's I first smoked. Happily it smoked to clear ash which is generally not the case with this tobacco in my other pipes as dottle from the larger chunks, usually stems, are left in the bottom of the bowl. Brazilian Cerrado in the PRM was my drink and can't wait to enjoy it more as the bowl breaks in, it does smoke a bit hotter, bowl wise, than briar but the tobacco did not smoke hot I just needed to regulate my puffing.