You may have noticed that the Newbie Reviews have dropped off over the past week; gotten quite busy! They'll come back shortly, as soon as I have the time and brains to focus a teensy bit. This weekend, maybe!
Had a pair of events at the local shop that required my schmoozing, there was a big ashtray made of railroad spikes to finish building, my birthday to survive, and a few other things in between.
Ashtray made of 21 railroad spikes and a steel plate.
Meeting the owner of Topper Cigars at one of the events.
You may have noticed that the Newbie Reviews have dropped off over the past week; gotten quite busy! They'll come back shortly, as soon as I have the time and brains to focus a teensy bit. This weekend, maybe!
Had a pair of events at the local shop that required my schmoozing, there was a big ashtray made of railroad spikes to finish building, my birthday to survive, and a few other things in between.

Ashtray made of 21 railroad spikes and a steel plate.

Meeting the owner of Topper Cigars at one of the events.