Title edited: capitalize important words. -jpm
So I recently received a Savinelli Regimental 624 KS, which takes a 6mm filter. In the past, a package of 20 or so extra filters would be included in the box. This time there were no filters, instead, this note was substituted: "Almost all balsa wood used commercially in the world comes from Ecuador. Due to the global pandemic in 2020, we were temporarily unable to source the balsa lumber in order to manufacture the signature Savinelli balsa filters. ...." They did include an adapter.
Some online retailers have these filters in stock, some like Smoking Pipes are out of stock. Now I typically don't use these filters but did find it interesting that the pandemic affected the global supply of something as mundane as balsa pipe filters.
So I recently received a Savinelli Regimental 624 KS, which takes a 6mm filter. In the past, a package of 20 or so extra filters would be included in the box. This time there were no filters, instead, this note was substituted: "Almost all balsa wood used commercially in the world comes from Ecuador. Due to the global pandemic in 2020, we were temporarily unable to source the balsa lumber in order to manufacture the signature Savinelli balsa filters. ...." They did include an adapter.
Some online retailers have these filters in stock, some like Smoking Pipes are out of stock. Now I typically don't use these filters but did find it interesting that the pandemic affected the global supply of something as mundane as balsa pipe filters.
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