Given the weekend im having i figured i would try out some of this blend as i had just received it about 2 weeks ago. The tin note is great and does remind me of a rainy day. It passed the pinch test after letting it air out for a few minutes so i loaded it up in my 2010 peterson st. Pattys day x220. It seemed to take the light well and started off as a very cool dry smoke. About a third of the way into the bowl it became very hot and almost to the point where it was going to bite. The bowl was tough to hold onto and smoking it became very unpleasurable. Seems to be very harsh for an aro, and the flavors are tough to pick out. Most likely because it started burning so hot. I will let it go out, re-light and see where it goes from there. Probably not one i would order again, but of course, YMMV.