Are Dunhill Pipes Even Worth It?

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Mar 15, 2010
I may be opening up a huge can of worms here, but I feel I have to ask: Are Dunhill Pipes worth the price? I've had plenty of mighty fine pipes that cost damn near nothing, whereas I only see Dunhill's for exorbitant prices. I haven't had the chance to experience one myself, so I figured I'd ask. What do y'all think?



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
You just might be opening a large can of worms.

I have always wanted a Dunhill Church Warden, but couldn't afford the $600 price tag.

So I took the low brow route.

I bought a couple of inexpensive small pipes with short shanks and sent them off to have long stems added.

However, I still drool over those Dunhill Church Wardens.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 11, 2010
I believe in pipe smoking circles it's referred to as a "tin" of worms.
I've been wondering this myself. But being an unsophisticated noob I don't have knowledge and experience to know.
On it's face, It appears to me that Dunhills are "worth it" like Rolexes are worth it. Elite brand matters to many.
But is there really that much difference in quality between a $100-$150 widely reviewed and respected pipe and a $500 Dunhill?



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
LOL the drool factor does dry up.

I bought mine over 20 years ago and they are still going strong.

Pstlpkr's pipes




Can't Leave
Jan 21, 2010
Personally, I think the buyer is the only person who can decide whether a pipe is worth the price (whatever it is). I have several very nice smokers that cost less than $50. I also have a few pipes that cost a couple hundred. The higher end pipes, to me at least, do not guarantee a better smoke. What you usually are guaranteed, though, is a higher grade of briar and superior craftsmanship!
-The draft hole will be centered, at the bottom of the bowl

-The stem & shank draft holes will be perfectly aligned (in fact, on one of my higher end pipes I can spin the stem around 180 degrees and the fit is still perfect to the shank exterior!)

-The tenon will fit (in length) snuggly against the bottom of the mortise (no gap for condensation to accumulate in)

-Generally more interesting/pleasing aesthetics and symmetry in the pipe
As for Dunhills in particular...I didn't want to pay the price for a new one either, but I did want to see what the fuss was about. I was able to pick up a few on ebay for very cheap primarily because they hadn't been cleaned yet. I am still in the process of breaking them in again (as I removed the cake during my cleaning of them), so I can't speak as to how well they will eventually smoke, but so far they don't smoke any better or worse than some of my cheapies. What did surprise me though, was how light-weight and well balanced the Bruyere is! Only 27 grams (.95 oz) @ 5" long.



Jan 17, 2010
woodlands tx
I own one Dunhill root size 5 billard with numbers worn off and she always smokes good not great . The best smoking pipe I have ever purchased was a Nording free hand for around 90 bucks . To me a Dunhill is for bragging rights or is it lack of commen sense ? I see pipes into thousands of dollars they are just not for me . The greateat achievment to me is there is no pressboard furniture in my home . The point is good wood lasts so a Dunhill just might be a bargin . peace .



Can't Leave
Jan 21, 2010
@ Pstlpkr: Wow! Those are fantastic! I'm sooo excited for my new Stanwell churchwarden to show up! Is it Thursday yet?



Mar 15, 2010
I'm seeing some of these Dunhills on Ebay...UNSMOKED bruyere's for around $100... I really wish my bank account wasn't overdrawn. I'm thinking of selling a kidney or a testicle or plasma and buying some Dunhills and Comoys at that price...
$100-$200...THAT'S a feasible, reasonable price for a pipe.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 11, 2010
I was gonna buy this Dunhill but I prefer a bait casting reel and the rod looks a bit short.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 28, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida
I have a few duhills that were passed down to me. One is date back to 1927 and still smokes excellent. Now I am not saying they are the best, but I can say just how a pipe smokes isn't everything to everyone. Some people are looking for craftsmanship, grain, and type of briar being used. Dunhill in my opinion for the ones I own is a top notch pipe. It really all depends on what your looking for and how bad you want it.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Hey Phil,

That is souvenir pipe that my Grand Dad bought back in the early 50's.

I have been told that he bought it at a roadside souvenir shop somewhere close to the Painted Desert in Arizona. I'm not sure what its made from.

It smokes OK but not great. I wasn't the first to smoke it. It is improving with each smoke. Just needs to rest a great deal in between smokes, and I have to be careful not to let it get too hot. I don't want it to burn through before its got a good cake.

I think it will a good pipe once it has a good cake.
Thank you Bytor,

I'm proud of my humble collection. I have seen a good many of the members' magnificent pipe collections. I try to encourage everybody to show off their collections. I'm jealous of several that I've seen. Hope to see your pipes on here before long.



Feb 1, 2010
Its a natural question that comes up all the time with new smokers. Is any pipe really worth it? You can get 18 corncobs for $30 on ebay which comes out to $1.67 per pipe. Knowing that, is a $25 pipe worth 15x the cob? Is the $100 pipe worth 4X the $25 pipe? Is a Jess Chonowitsch worth 4X the price of a Duhill? I can't afford a Jess Chonowitsch but that doesn't mean they aren't worth it.
If you want one, yes they are worth it. I have a number of Dunhills and they smoke great, one smokes wet and has since the day I bought it 20 years ago. I'm the opposite of most Dunhill fanciers in that I think the newer Dunhills actually smoke better than the older ones. If you want one, buy one! To make making the jump easier, buy a little used estate. If you hate it, you can probably sell it on ebay for what you paid for it.



Mar 9, 2010
..and if you don't like them -> you can always just send them to me. ;)
(the most expensive pipe I have is a Peterson Squire XL and the craftsmanship is indeed wonderful, as is the briar used - also, it smokes very well)



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2009
My experience with Dunhill hasn't been roses. Three new and two estates and none smoked to my satisfaction.

However, when it comes to perfection in the classic shapes that I prefer, only Dunhill and Peterson's get those shapes right in my opinion.



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
I have 3 Dunhills that are all just turning 1 year old next month.
I bought them all new in April of 2009 in preparation of attending my first Chicago Show and wanting to "wear my best" at the show. You can see me smoking one of my Dunhills in the Michael Gladis interviews.
Are they worth it?
Yes and No. It depends.
First, you need to define "worth". What is something worth to you besides the money you give up for it? There is the feeling of having something nice, the bragging rights, showing it off. These are things that certainly come into play in the marketing of luxury goods.
So, are they worth the price, as Andrew originally asked?
Yes, because I wanted them, I could afford them, they are gorgeous & sophisticated and smoke very well.
Am I looking to buy more Dunhills right now?
Do they smoke better than other pipes I have that cost 1/4th the price?
Since we are talking about worth, which relates to price, here are the prices I paid, not to brag, but just to discuss.
Rubybark: $402.90

Cumberland: $377.40

Shell Briar: $284.75
The two most expensive were about $400. I also have an Ardor pipe that is $400. The Ardor smokes unbelievable! Anything I put in it tastes better. It definitely smokes better than any pipe I have by far. The Dunhills smoke great, but not like the Ardor.
On the same order of the above Dunhills, I also got two Savinelli pipes.
Milano Handmade Smooth Bent Dublin: $104.00

Venezia: $48.00
Ironically, the Handmade Savinelli that is 1/4th the price of the most expensive Dunhill smokes just as good as the Dunhill.
Even more ironic is that the machine-made Savinelli that is $48 smokes just as good as the hand-made Savinelli and Dunhill at nearly 10% the price!
Do I love my Dunhills?
Do I regret buying them?
Are they worth it?
Yes and No. (See above)

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