I have 3 Dunhills that are all just turning 1 year old next month.
I bought them all new in April of 2009 in preparation of attending my first Chicago Show and wanting to "wear my best" at the show. You can see me smoking one of my Dunhills in the Michael Gladis interviews.
Are they worth it?
Yes and No. It depends.
First, you need to define "worth". What is something worth to you besides the money you give up for it? There is the feeling of having something nice, the bragging rights, showing it off. These are things that certainly come into play in the marketing of luxury goods.
So, are they worth the price, as Andrew originally asked?
Yes, because I wanted them, I could afford them, they are gorgeous & sophisticated and smoke very well.
Am I looking to buy more Dunhills right now?
Do they smoke better than other pipes I have that cost 1/4th the price?
Since we are talking about worth, which relates to price, here are the prices I paid, not to brag, but just to discuss.
Rubybark: $402.90
Cumberland: $377.40
Shell Briar: $284.75
The two most expensive were about $400. I also have an Ardor pipe that is $400. The Ardor smokes unbelievable! Anything I put in it tastes better. It definitely smokes better than any pipe I have by far. The Dunhills smoke great, but not like the Ardor.
On the same order of the above Dunhills, I also got two Savinelli pipes.
Milano Handmade Smooth Bent Dublin: $104.00
Venezia: $48.00
Ironically, the Handmade Savinelli that is 1/4th the price of the most expensive Dunhill smokes just as good as the Dunhill.
Even more ironic is that the machine-made Savinelli that is $48 smokes just as good as the hand-made Savinelli and Dunhill at nearly 10% the price!
Do I love my Dunhills?
Do I regret buying them?
Are they worth it?
Yes and No. (See above)