So I need another new stem for an old pipe (bit a hole in it) and was curious how much it would cost to have a nice Lucite stem made for it. I went to my usual source for repair, which is Norwood Pipe Repair, because they are the cheapest I have found and I like the service I get from them. But when I went to their site to look up how much my repair would be, I come to find that the site is under maintenance, and it says that the shop is now owned by Kenneth Norwood, not Floyd, who I have always sent my pipes to. Why is this cause for concern? For one, I liked talking to Floyd. He was short, honest, blunt, and to the point. Never unfriendly, but all business. Plus, I trusted my pipes with Floyd and always had the strictest confidence. I am assuming that maybe this is all because Floyd is retiring or can no longer do the repair work himself. From the few times I talked to him, he didn't exactly sound like a Spring Chicken. Im curious if anyone knows the details of what happened here. Is Kenneth his son maybe? Has anyone had any repair experience since Floyd has been out of the picture? Im sure that Floyd wouldn't trust the name of his shop to just anyone, Im just curious about Floyds well being more than anything. I hope nothing happened to the guy cause I really liked dealing with him.