I have this Meerschaum lined pipe that came along with a lot of pipes I purchased. It doesn't have any other marks besides the "Genuine Meerschaum Imported" stamping. Feels like a very solid pipe.
Those tend to feel solid because the pressed meerschaum insert makes the pipe heavier than if it was just briar. My guess is that’s an inexpensive unbranded model. Looks like it’s in reasonably good condition. The bottom of the bowl tends to degrade from moisture.
I’ve one only meerschaum lined pipe, an Italian made Lorenzo Spitfire which I bought very cheaply from a tobacconist when I found myself out for the day with tobacco and lighter but no pipes which I’d left on the hall table. Twenty odd years later I’ve still have the Lorenzo which smokes as sweetly as pipes costing many times more than what I paid for it. The Bulldog you have looks despite its lack of pipe pedigree to be a very nice pipe and one I’d certainly persevere with if it were mine.
My first pipe was a meer lined briar billiard. No brand, just "Italy." I bought it 34 years ago, and it smoked great. I broke it while putting the stem back in a couple of months ago. Almost cried.
I have a meer lined olive wood from Paycok, it's very nice but I'm thinking of trading it. Smokes very well, it's just a bit bulky to clench for my liking
I have a meer lined olive wood from Paycok, it's very nice but I'm thinking of trading it. Smokes very well, it's just a bit bulky to clench for my liking