Anyone Going on a Cruise over Thanksgiving?

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Might Stick Around
May 4, 2014
The wife and I will be sailing on the Royal Princess. Just wondering is anyone will, by chance, also be a passenger. I'd hate to smoke alone.



Jun 23, 2013
The Hills of Tennessee
I wish I was!

I haven't been on one in years, but I'd love to go on another one!

My parents actually just pulled back into port this morning from a cruise to the Bahamas.

The wife and I are planning on one for next year though, as long as the finances allow.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 15, 2014
WOW, I'm glad I saw this thread. The wife and I are going on a cruise in early December. We got the damn thing because she bought a car at a dealership that gave away cruises. I DON'T WANNA GO. We're going to Cozumel Mexico. Flying outa Tampa.
I hear too many people say they get deathly sick from the food, the water, etc, both on the boat, and in Mexico. My nephew spent two weeks in the hospital after his cruise. He almost died. My best friends daughter went on a cruise and same thing happened to her. Two weeks in hospital, Dr.s didn't know what was wrong with her. My buddy was a wreck, thought he was gonna lose her.
I have another friend who has a Time Share in Mexico, he goes every year, even though he gets sick as a dog. He NUTS!!!!!!!!!
I keep telling my wife. "Why would we want to subject ourselves to the possibility of getting some unknown disease?" I'd rather stay home and watch the snow fall.
And then I gotta worry about pirates to.



Jun 23, 2013
The Hills of Tennessee

Damn! What cruise line did they go on?

I've been on Royal Caribbean, and they are excellent! Everything on the ship is spotless.

I've also been to a couple different places in Mexico, including Cozumel, and haven't gotten sick.

That said, you should drink bottled water, soda, or alcohol while there, and never any local drinks or tap water.

Really, the same should be said for just about anywhere in the tropics. I've been to Haiti, the Grand Cayman Islands, Jamaica, and Mexico a couple times. These places are gorgeous, but their water treatment methods are way different than here in the States, if they even have water treatment in some of those countries.
Now, my sister in law had to live in Mexico for a few months while training for her job. She did get very sick once, when she ate a Popsicle made with local water.

Just stay away from any local liquid, and you should be fine!



Dec 11, 2012
We have friends who just left on a cruise through the Panama Canal, but we're not scheduled for our next cruise until spring. Royal Caribbean ships seem to have a hand sanitizing station every 10 feet, and usually a staff member outside the dining room and buffet areas reminding everyone to sanitize, sanitize, sanitize (sometimes with interpretive dance...).
I've gotten far sicker at a hotel in Seattle, and I grew up on their water supply.
Good idea asking around - on my first cruise, I found out another forum member was going to be on the same ship. Sadly, we never did connect on board at a convenient time to have a smoke together...



Dec 22, 2013
New York
What a lovely idea. I was thinking of going on a cruise over Christmas as my wife is visiting family in Finland and they are due for the coldest winter since 1936 and the idea of hanging out reliving the winter war has limited appeal -I need heat. I asked my friend Seymour if he was interested going on a cruise as he looks like a black version of Elmer Fudd. He muttered something about black folks won't go on cruises as they won't fall for that trick again! I guess I am going to Miami for Xmas but no cruises sadly!



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 29, 2012
I have never been on a cruise. Not sure if I have a desire to either. However nothing beats a good vacation



May 11, 2012
last fall we did 14 days on Royal Caribbean around the Med. we liked the cruise and Barcelona so much this spring we cruised from NO across to Barcelona. so, we are kind of cruised out.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 15, 2014
@petes03, thanks, I've heard the same from many of my friends and business associates.
I guess my real problem is...I don't wanna go. What the hell am I gonna do on a big boat for 4 days?



Oct 15, 2013
Whenever you get thousands of people crammed together there is the risk of a norovirus breakout. One recently made headlines: 172 Passengers Fall Ill
I've been on a couple of cruises. My favorite was a small ship cruise of ten days around southeast Alaska. There were fewer than forty passengers and we had naturalists on board who could explain all the wildlife we were seeing. Once a native Tlingit woman rowed out to our ship and spent the evening telling us stories and singing songs about her culture. It was priceless.
One of the more exciting days our little ship was caught in a whirlpool. That was quite an adventure!
So just use hand sanitizer ever few minutes and enjoy the cruise!



Apr 26, 2013
My son and I did an Alaska cruise this summer. I didn't much worry about virus' or food or any of that because we stayed in the first world.
It was an epic adventure too!
Good luck!!



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 14, 2014
The water in Mexico is serious business. We stayed at a gorgeous beachfront resort and I spent 85% of the time sicker than a dog. Travel agencies advise drinking only bottled water from your region and my family was careful to do that, but the cooks there don't use that water when preparing food. Let me tell you, Montezuma's Revenge is terrible. We were all a mess when we got back to the states and there were people getting super sick on the plane with the same thing. I wouldn't have turned down a swift death if it had been offered. Pick up a ton of Imodium tablets and use them liberally! You'll be a thousand times more thankful to be clogged up or even kept regular from the Imodium than painting the bathroom and your shorts brown constantly. Oh, and be careful what water you use to brush your teeth! That gets people too.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Don't forget, no rocks, ice cubes, when in Mexico or any other third world country for that matter. I made that mistake once when working in Russia. I was so surprised to find a place that offered ice that I forgot myself. I was reminded of the mistake for a week, a couple of times each day. And it's good to be leery of fruit also. Fruit often gets injected with local water to bring up the weight before sale.



Can't Leave
Dec 30, 2013
My wife and I cruise on Carnival Cruise Lines down to the Caribbean every year. I've been on over 9 cruises and have enjoyed every one of them. I find that on a cruise I can really sit back and relax and if I feel like going down to the casino to feed the one armed bandit or just sit on my balcony and read a book while listening to the ocean its my leisurely choice and I don't have to worry about babysitting my cell phone or adhering to time schedules. I've always found the food to be exceptional, the crew staff always accommodating and friendly, and I've never gotten bored while cruising (typically go on at least a 7 day cruise). Dollar for dollar it's hard to beat a cruise for a vacation value. There's also something to be said about enjoying your pipe while watching the sunset from aboard ship.

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