Back in the day, when times were simpler and people used to read real books, I used to enjoy reading westerns while I was sailing in the Merchant Marines. Zane Grey, Louis L'Amour are two that comes to mind. But being young, dumb, and full of fun I really enjoyed the Jake Logan Slocum series. I found out recently that it is the longest running western series in history. The first book being written in 1975, and the last book, number 430 was written and released in 2014. Of course, I had no idea back in the late 70's and early 80's when I was reading these that this series would be so popular for so long. Turns out I still had a few packed away in boxes. I've been keeping an eye out on eBay and found a Lot of 240 different books from the series the other day. So, for $150 I pulled the trigger on it. Now I'm well over halfway to having the entire series. I'm looking forward to loading up my churchwardens and reading a real book again. I was just curious if there are any other miscreants on here that like this series.