Bully for Bulwark!
Thanks to friend and trueblue goodguy
flakyjakey, I got to try this stuff, he sent along a very generous portion along with other unobtainable goodies! I cannot thank him enough, a true Brother of the Leaf!
Now, I've smoked roundabout half-a-dozen bowls and can report that yes indeed this weed is mighty fine. Upon the char-light, it roughly reminded me of St. Bruno in taste, but after a few puffs to ember, the strong initial flavor faded a bit to a more pure tobacco taste with a slight backdrop of the flavor note --- it's very difficult to explain this flavor, just as St. Bruno is difficult to pinpoint, but whatever the casing/topping is, it's fully integrated to the leaf and compliments it greatly. I can only describe the flavor as a truly traditional UK profile, thanks to the magic pressing, often with steam-jacketed presses, dark flakes such as this almost take on the characteristics of good oldtimey plugs, with that robust full-bodied depth which satisfies to no end --- and also, a quality that none of the Danish or German UK repops can capture, something like tar, giving the smoke a substantial substance, an incredible mouthfeel and sensation, and also provides long-lasting physiological and mental effects that lull me into a meditative state unlike any other tobacco I've smoked, it's almost romantic in that sense. MacBaren ODF comes closest to matching the trad UK profile, but as stated, it simply lacks a certain magic, those tremendous depths...
...and this adds to my equation, I've seen a vid of a UK pipeman talking about Bulwark & Irish Slices who doesn't think Stokkebye actually makes it, instead he points to Gawith --- I find myself agreeing here, most likely I think it's Gawith Hoggarth as the baccy has a similar silky feel, some slight floral familiarity (but nothing like a scented Lakeland), and some underlying likeness with the leaf itself...btw, that video is posted in this thread here:
The trade name Bulwark must be under license or something, who knows? It's hard to really figure out what's what and who's who anyway nowadays...
Bulwark smokes like a dream, easy burning and super smooth, but the N can sneak up on you. I have a high tolerance, but I was so excited when I got this stuff that I smoked 3 bowls back to back, like butter it smokes very creamy full smooth and flavorful, but after that session I found myself with some slight spins, which hardly ever happens, so if St. Bruno is a man's tobacco, as they say, then Bulwark is a manlier tobacco!
Like St. Bruno, it's slightly tart, slightly fruity, slightly sweet and has a subtle nutty undertone.
Bulwark is delicious!
Here's a bad review where they didn't like it,
but Anonymous has the proper comment response!!! LOL
Now, I'm gonna veer off-course and talk a bit about Revor Plug, which was also in the baccybomb package --- I'm almost afraid to try it because I know I'll probably fall in love!
I've seen it said that Revor is made by Gawith Hoggarth, some have written that their name is actually on the pouch as well, and it shows up on their website too:
...I wonder if they make it, or are they only a distributor?
Revor has an interesting history.
It used to be made by the Manchester Tobacco Co., who even further back was called the Co-operative Wholesale Society. They made quite a few different blends, but Revor along with Mahogany Flake are their most famous. Also, they were I think manufacturing the Dobie's Four Square range.
Here's a photo of the old factory:
...and some history:
They ended up getting bought out by JTI (Japan Tobacco International) in 1992 for $8.2 million. They had it for less than a decade when they shut down the Manchester factory, the bastards!
JTI also famously took over and bought out Gallaher.
I don't know if JTI still owns the trademark or not for Revor.
Regardless, I think these baccies are made specifically for the UK market and there's little to no chance that we'll ever see 'em Stateside, sadly.