Any Barling pipe fans here?

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Can't Leave
Jan 4, 2010
Does anyone else have any Barling pipe stories. Does anyone else appreciate their smoking qualities?

I have read many things about Barling pipes over the years, but one thing that always came up was how the Pre Transition pipes were usually better than the Post transition.

I remember going to my first few pipe shows, and trying to find any Barling pipes that I could afford to buy. There weren't that many, and when I did find one that I liked, it was always way out of my reach financialy. I was of course looking at only Pre Transition pipes, as I was somehow of the opinion, from all my reaearch, that the ones that came along after the company was sold, were of inferior briar or workmanship, or both.

I finally found a little Poker shaped Pre Trans Barling, and considered myself lucky to have one I could try out.

It was a great smoking pipe. No doubt about it. I still have it.
About a year ago I saw one on Ebay that I liked the shape of, and I bought it. It was a Post Transition, made in Denmark, but it was also inexpensive. Frankly I didn't expect too much from it, because I was still under the impression that they were somehow inferior pipes, but I smoked it for a few days. It was ok. Nothing special though, so I cleaned it up and put it away.


Just recently I took it back out, and have been giving it a second go around. This is a really nice smoking pipe.! As dry smoking as some of my other favorites, and even though the bowl is pretty thin, it has not smoked hot at all, if I watch how I puff on it. The taste of the tobacco comes through like it should, and it feels good in my hand.

No one could possibly ask anymore from it than that.

I'm not sure why I put this away so soon after getting it. It deserves to be smoked a lot more often.

I've tried both English and Virginias in it. Just a wonderful little pipe.



Oct 2, 2010
I've been watching for a pretransition Barling for some time....but haven't been able to find one I can afford as yet... :?

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