Guys as you know I buy, collect and smoke antique meerschaums. I do not do the sculptured pipes but just plain traditional cased pipes with amber stems. In the last few months I have acquired around thirty odd additions to my extensive collection. Normally I have had to buy a group of three or four pipes to get the 'one' I am after. This has left me with odd pipes that do not fit in with my core collection. Does anyone here collect cased meerschaums and is looking to trade as I am always in the market for cased 'cutty' style meerschaums. If there is enough interest I will have my secretary photograph the ones that are of no interest to me and post them on the forum. I am not looking to sell pipes but to trade. Feel free to post here or PM if interested. As an after thought I have not smoked Condor in any of these so the 'ghosting' thing should not be an issue. I am out in NJ all week but I do check in here as it is my life line to civilization.