An old warhorse

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 19, 2012
denver co
So some months back there was a lot of pipes on ebay that had Kaywoodie churchwarden in it along with a handful of other pipes that looked pretty rough. Among the rough lot were 2 Carburetors they both had good stems but the bowls were pretty far gone, One was split from the top of the bowl to the shank. I tossed them on the bench to remove and save the old heavily oxidized 4 hole stingered stems (with patent numbers). My other half bless her heart was listening to me yatter on about how each of the pipes in this particular lot had been smoked absolutely shut the woodies along With a couple of Linkmans and one other, cant remember the brand but it was an old mountain laurel. So as I was right in the middle of my poetic waxing about who owned them and the fact that he definitely enjoyed quality pipes she pops up with well are either of them smokeable? I of course poo-pooed this notion and carried on....for about a week. Then I took the finer of the 2 and set to cleaning it up to see if indeed I could smoke it. It worked and I smoke this one a couple of times a week now. It is an excellent smoker even though it is a little rough around the edges there is enough cake to block the crack. I cant help but think it odd that some gentleman kept the pipes that were smoked so hard.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 23, 2012
It appears that the owner received many years of enjoyment from the Pipes! Enjoy!



Feb 21, 2013
Oof. There's to us fussbudgets who worry about dings and fills. The former owner of this pipe owned it for smoking and enjoyed it throughly.



Oct 12, 2011
lifeon2, That pipe is from the days when you bought "1" pipe , and smoked it to DEATH! Then,you bought another one and did it all over again...



Oct 12, 2011
I had a great uncle that you "Never" saw without a pipe in his mouth. At the breakfast/lunch/diner table ,he would set it down between bites and that was it.He put it out at bedtime,sitting on the side of his bed, re-loaded for the morning,and lit it before his feet hit his slippers in the morning!Lived to be 90 years old and sharp as a tack til the end...



Sep 30, 2014
So. Cal.
That's one of my favorite KW shapes as they tend to come in at about an ounce (yours is prob less no doubt), the stem is thin and very well done, and they still provide an hours smoke. My Suntan and Carb pat. pendings are prized. I probably would have tried to salvage that one too.

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