I told you guys that I was going to quit smoking my pipe long enough to win the 2011 National Novel Writers Month. I had 30 days to produce 50,000 words. I joined on November 3rd, and at 3:25 AM this morning, my word count hit 50,027 words. Hopefully my widget is still showing up in my signature to confirm this. I pulled this off in a short 11 days. My eyes are burning, my fingers are cramped, and my head hurts a little, but I cannot exlain the high that I have right now at accomplishing this. Thanks to everyone who supported me and gave me encouragement. It really helped me see this through to the end. The novel is only about half done, but I am going to put it down for a few weeks before I work on it again. And as promised, I have not smoked one pipe in those 11 days. I will close this out by being a bit vulgar, but I think it fits the mood: NOW WHERE IS MY F****** PIPE?! :mrgreen: :: 8)