I agree, 1Q is like a cold can of Coors after work, or sitting down in front of the Television to just unwind - it may not be the most complex or intellectual thing to do but it's consistent and enjoyable.
I first bought 1Q when trying out new blends, and I'm glad I did.
I've read disparaging reviews of 1Q. I have a theory of what spawns the snob attitude, while not accounting for personal preference .
I believe that when something is widely available, enjoyed by many, and does not require expertise to consume there will be people who find that by disparaging the item they can easily appear sophisticated.
So, by writing or saying that 1Q is garbage, and again not accounting for personal preference, the writer or speaker can give off an appearance of easily obtained sophistication.
It's something I see people do with beer all the time. I'll be drinking a can of Coors, or whatever American lager is at hand, and I'll inevitably have a beer snob come up to me and say "oh, how can you drink that swill? I only drink micro-brews." I believe that in their minds they've reached a sense of informed sophisticated superiority over me.
It'll be funny though if some young hipster dudes start smoking 1Q out of cobs for the ironic appeal of it.
I like it and I'm going to smoke it.