Seeing the horror that is the loss of Mac Baren and Sutliff, I am deciding to start getting serious about my cellar. I've crunched our monthly numbers and found that I can put about $150 aside each month for an order. I have compiled a list of my top blends that I need in my cellar, not ones I just want to try. I have narrowed it down to about four blends to rotate throughout the week. What I am stuck on is how I should go about my orders. One option would be to max out my $150 for one blend (about 8 tins), then the next month, maxing out the $150 for another blend, and then repeating through my need tobacco. On the other hand, I could potentially max out my allotted budget on all four blends each month and then repeat (One order of 2x Blend A, 2x Blend B, 2x Blend C, 2x Blend D). My thought behind this is that, while the core blend reserves would grow slower, I would have a variety to rotate through if the manufacturers go out. For those of you who budget money per month to buy your favorites for your cellar, do you usually do a rotating purchase of, for example, 10x of one blend, or (another example) 2x rotating blends?