In need of guidance Have been smoking a pipe off and on for the last 18 months. Took a few months off for the same reason I am currently debating tossing my pipes in the river. I am at my wits end now... I'm tired of re-lighting 20-30 times only to find tons of dottle, regardless of what packing method I use, or what tobacco type I use (aro's, burley, straight virginias, VaPers, various english and latakia blends). I have tried smoking 1/2 or 1/3 pipes, only get the last half of that as dottle. I have tried packing in various levels of loose and tight anywhere from so loose I get tongue on the true light, to "am I drinking a milkshake" tight. I got into pipe smoking to relax, but it is anything but when you have to relight every 2 minutes regardless time space between sips. Help!!