Personally I don't think I need any more physical magazines around. I have like 2,548 old musty copies of Cigar Aficionado that I have been carrying around thinking SOMEDAY they would be worth something, and of course, they aren't. The world needs less clutter and crapola. No offense to P&T, I love their rag, but I just don't do much beyond leafing through it at pipe shows and cigar lounges. Their writers are superb and the dudes who run it seem cool, but it's not interactive, which makes everything different and more communal (this is the philosophical portion of my post). This is, of course, sad. Because I still read The Drake (fishing rag) and occasionally Cigar Aficionado (I think I have the last few issues), but frankly I'm one of those who has traded in the fun of actually owning the artifact for something a little more fun. Different strokes and all that.