A Typical Reaction to Pipesmoking?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 1, 2023
Willamette Valley of Oregon
I only smoke at home, and I don't smoke in our new car. Oregon has such restrictive smoking laws that it is difficult to smoke anywhere in public unless you are in your vehicle or walking down the street, so I smoke at home, usually on the back deck or the front porch. Occasionally a family member or visitor who smoke cigarettes will join me when I smoke my pipe.

Several of you have made the point that people feel perfectly free too offer you their advice about your smoking. This was never more evident to me than when I was working in smoke shops. In those days, the 1980s and early 1990s, the state of Oregon had Exempted smoke shops from their Draconian anti-smoking laws. They have since corrected that oversight and one can no longer smoke in a smoke shop or a cigar store! I find that absurd.
While working in the smoke shops I received abundant comments about how nice the shops smelled. 99% of comments were positive, even when someone was smoking a cigar in the store. There was however that 1% who would open the closed door of the shop, walk in and inflict upon me their opinions about smoking. C. Everett Coop was in his Hay Day in the 1980s and the anti-smoking movement was beginning to gain ground. They were often surprised when I quoted to them from a US surgeon general's report that said pipe smokers on the average live three layers longer than non-smokers. The usual reaction was, "I find that hard to believe!" I usually responded by saying, "you believe the Surgeon General when he says smoking is bad for you, but you don't believe him when he says pipe smokers live longer than nonsmokers. So which one of those statements is false, and why would he lie?"
That usually ended the discussion and they would leave.

One day lady walked in and asked me, "How are you going to make a living when they outlaw tobacco?"
I responded, "then I will get rich because prohibition never works. It only creates a black market which is usually quite lucrative." She left in a huff without sharing with me anymore of her enlightened thinking!

But mostly I had very positive experiences with people as I listened to them reminisce about how a beloved family member had smoked a pipe and how they missed the aroma.
I stopped smoking for about 20 years and recently started smoking my pipes again.
One of my daughters came over to the house the other day after I had been outside smoking. She gave me a big hug as she usually does, stopped and gave me another big hug and took a deep breath and said, "Mmm, memories of my childhood!" I got several more hugs before she left just so she can smell my pipe tobacco that she remembered from her childhood!


May 1, 2023
I rarely see another pipe smoker out in public (not counting a pipe club meeting as being "out in public") but usually I've seen one at least once a month. Just last month while out shopping, I saw a gentleman sitting on a bench at this mall smoking a pipe. When I came out of the store he was driving by in his Oldsmobile and had to stop when I was in the crosswalk. I noticed he had a two pipe rack mounted on his dashboard with pipes in them.

I thought that was cool.
Yes man it's true. Nowadays teenage are attracted to vape and only old OG man are still stick to pipes.


Can't Leave
Mar 15, 2023
Olympia, Washington
I only smoke at home, and I don't smoke in our new car. Oregon has such restrictive smoking laws that it is difficult to smoke anywhere in public unless you are in your vehicle or walking down the street, so I smoke at home, usually on the back deck or the front porch. Occasionally a family member or visitor who smoke cigarettes will join me when I smoke my pipe.

Several of you have made the point that people feel perfectly free too offer you their advice about your smoking. This was never more evident to me than when I was working in smoke shops. In those days, the 1980s and early 1990s, the state of Oregon had Exempted smoke shops from their Draconian anti-smoking laws. They have since corrected that oversight and one can no longer smoke in a smoke shop or a cigar store! I find that absurd.
While working in the smoke shops I received abundant comments about how nice the shops smelled. 99% of comments were positive, even when someone was smoking a cigar in the store. There was however that 1% who would open the closed door of the shop, walk in and inflict upon me their opinions about smoking. C. Everett Coop was in his Hay Day in the 1980s and the anti-smoking movement was beginning to gain ground. They were often surprised when I quoted to them from a US surgeon general's report that said pipe smokers on the average live three layers longer than non-smokers. The usual reaction was, "I find that hard to believe!" I usually responded by saying, "you believe the Surgeon General when he says smoking is bad for you, but you don't believe him when he says pipe smokers live longer than nonsmokers. So which one of those statements is false, and why would he lie?"
That usually ended the discussion and they would leave.

One day lady walked in and asked me, "How are you going to make a living when they outlaw tobacco?"
I responded, "then I will get rich because prohibition never works. It only creates a black market which is usually quite lucrative." She left in a huff without sharing with me anymore of her enlightened thinking!

But mostly I had very positive experiences with people as I listened to them reminisce about how a beloved family member had smoked a pipe and how they missed the aroma.
I stopped smoking for about 20 years and recently started smoking my pipes again.
One of my daughters came over to the house the other day after I had been outside smoking. She gave me a big hug as she usually does, stopped and gave me another big hug and took a deep breath and said, "Mmm, memories of my childhood!" I got several more hugs before she left just so she can smell my pipe tobacco that she remembered from her childhood!
Stuff like that is why I don't bother telling many people, like yes I know there's health risks
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Sep 21, 2022
My kids are drawing pictures of pipes sometimes. I live in Japan. I’m afraid if they do it in school, someone will think something about drugs. People are dumb. This is Japan. It’s perfectly legal to discard your cigarette butts in the street here but people might freak out if they saw a pipe. And it’s not like there isn’t a community of Japanese pipe smokers, of course there is. My neighbor’s family was very rattled when I tried to smoke my pipe on the stoop so I moved it inside. He really thought I might be doing drugs.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 23, 2023
Clynder, Argyll & Bute, G84 0QX
I see very few, but the reaction to pipes I find is normally positive as long as I've been considerate to when and where I light a bowl. The only issue Ive had is with two police officers who, whilst I was having an hour of reflection with a pipe, were convinced I was smoking an illicit addition to my pipe tobacco. Until I brought out the blend tin to demonstrate they were unconvinced of what my pipe contained.

All very funny really and if nothing else the two young officers got an education on the pleasures of a good bowl of tobacco.

For info, unusually for me it was an aromatic I was smoking, Peterson luxury, if I remember right.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
We were having dinner with our neighbors who are actually older than we are - in their 70’s. The woman commented on how things had changed over years. She pointed to the fact that one never saw anyone smoking a pipe in these days and that it had gone out of fashion. My wife quickly pointed out that I still smoked a pipe. They were very surprised since I don’t smoke out in public.

I assume many of you have had similar reactions?
I have had a few people actually be surprised that you can still get pipe stuff. What amazes me is how many people tell me they wish more people smoked pipes.
My neighbor’s family was very rattled when I tried to smoke my pipe on the stoop so I moved it inside. He really thought I might be doing drugs.
I think that this is what led me to clenching a pipe, besides being how I always saw pipe smokers smoking a pipe growing up. But, if you saw someone walking by with a pipe clenched, there is no way that that person is smoking some other drug. But, if you pull the pipe away after a puff, holding the pipe down, and then only lifting it up to puff, it does become awkwardly suspicious. But, if a cop ever sees me smoking my pipe, it is dead obvious that I am not smoking pot. No pot smoker anywhere is walking around with their pipe clenched.


Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 30, 2017
Most reactions I've had to a pipe are positive; along the lines of 'that reminds me of my dad/grandad'. It's not that common in São Paulo but some of the street kiosks do sell otc blends and even pipes. I have seen one or two younger people smoking pipes but it's mainly an oldun's pastime here.

Funniest reaction was back in Australia. I was filling my pipe walking down the road in Manly whilst a couple were walking towards me; I put the pipe in my mouth whilst I returned my pouch to my pocket and fished out the lighter and tamper. By this time the couple were only a couple of metres away and she started a very theatrical coughing and spluttering.

I looked at her and said "My that's a terrible cough you have; just as well I haven't lit my pipe yet". She went bright red and he started to laugh before he saw the look on her face. puffy


Can't Leave
Mar 15, 2023
Olympia, Washington
I have had a few people actually be surprised that you can still get pipe stuff. What amazes me is how many people tell me they wish more people smoked pipes.
Yep like I said that's my experience, most people would have no idea pipes are a living industry unless they've been to a proper tobacconist and even then many only sell cigars. I've also had a few people say "well better than cigarettes", a low bar for sure. I think people want there to be more pipe smoking because even a the cheapest codger blend smells better than the fanciest cigarette. I know English blends are supposed to often smell pretty funky, but I can't really smell what I'm smoking
May 9, 2021
Geoje Island South Korea
Most reactions I've had to a pipe are positive; along the lines of 'that reminds me of my dad/grandad'. It's not that common in São Paulo but some of the street kiosks do sell otc blends and even pipes. I have seen one or two younger people smoking pipes but it's mainly an oldun's pastime here.

Funniest reaction was back in Australia. I was filling my pipe walking down the road in Manly whilst a couple were walking towards me; I put the pipe in my mouth whilst I returned my pouch to my pocket and fished out the lighter and tamper. By this time the couple were only a couple of metres away and she started a very theatrical coughing and spluttering.

I looked at her and said "My that's a terrible cough you have; just as well I haven't lit my pipe yet". She went bright red and he started to laugh before he saw the look on her face. puffy
Oh yeah!
The "holier than thou" reaction from people, when they see one with a pipe, cigar or cigarette, even though unlit!

Searock Fan

Oct 22, 2021
Southern U.S.A.
Here's one you might find amusing.... Years ago I was in business with this other guy. He was married and against my better judgement I agree to have his wife as our "assistant" and put her on the payroll. Now you have to understand what she was like. The word "bitch" comes to mind.

Back then everyone smoked every where, but because she claimed smoke bothered her I abstained when she was around. However, sometimes she would just bitch because she said she could still smell it in our warehouse. One day I decided to run an experiment. We were all working on something together and I pulled out my pipe and started loading it. I then casually walked around behind some shelving like I was looking for something. She could not see me even though we were only a few feet apart. I then took out my lighter and struck it a couple times while I made puffing sounds like I was lighting the pipe. After a couple more puffing noises there it was.... she started coughing and wheezing. I made a couple more puffing sounds and then walked back around to where she was while holding the pipe.... it was unlit of course. She gave me a dirty look and I said "Sorry, I forgot." looking as innocent as I could. It was not long after that that the partnership broke up. I can't say I miss her. puffy

Navy Chief

Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 11, 2022
Once while driving on though our small town, I was happily puffing some Old Joe Krantz in a Stanwell. The windows were down as it was a fine day in June.

Unbeknownst to me, a motorcyclist was close behind me was getting smoked out by the shear volume of acrid smoke billowing out of my window and into his face. It apparently enraged him. Im picturing my car looking like an old, coal burning locomotive emitting clouds of black smoke into his face.

When a passing lane became available, he overtook me on the left and was yelling and gesticulating from within his astronaut helmet. His impotent raging found no purchase as it was muffled and inarticulate.

Although slightly startled, I waved and nodded, pretending that he was issuing me a great compliment.
A couple of years ago I was out for a ride in the country and kept getting a whiff of cotton candy. With there not being a visible carnival in the area I was starting to become concerned that I was having a stroke or something. Finally pulled up to a 4 way stop behind a Honda Accord and noticed the clouds of vape coming through the windows..

Arthur Frayn

Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 8, 2023
Sonoma county, Calif.
A couple of years ago I was out for a ride in the country and kept getting a whiff of cotton candy. With there not being a visible carnival in the area I was starting to become concerned that I was having a stroke or something. Finally pulled up to a 4 way stop behind a Honda Accord and noticed the clouds of vape coming through the windows..
ok. ok. That was me. But it wasnt a a cotton candy vape. It was heavily ghosted Dr Graybow with Capt. Fruity Grape blend in it. and it wasnt a Honda, it was my wife's Subaru.