As many of you know this has been a horrible year for myself and my family. No one can imagine how it was to knock on the gates of death and then crawl back to where I am now. Even though I still have a ways to go to get to my "new Normal", I still have a hole in my stomach where the feed tube use to be, I am greatly blessed this Thanksgiving season. I would once again like to thank the members of the forum for your kindness and support. I would especially like to thank smokerings79 who on a weekly basis checked up on me to see how I was doing. This was heart warming to know that someone all the way across the globe would care whether I was still alive. Words will never express how much I appreciated those messages. My wife is continuing to improve, even though she will probably always live with chronic pain. My loyal companion, Quincy is still seeming to enjoy life, especially breakfast and snacks. So even though it has been a bad year, it has also been a blessed year. It's amazing how a mediocre day is now wonderful. So to make a long story short, THANK YOU ALL and have a blessed holiday season.