After settling down to a kind of smoking routine with the pipes I've got, I decided to get me a small pipe to serve me mainly at work. Something small which will be easy to carry around and which will give me a short time smoke on breaks.
I looked around on eBay and found this nice small pipe that I thought was exactly what I looked for.pipe.So I decided to give it try and ordered that pipe. Yesterday it arrived. I rushed to the post office, took the envelope opened it and looked at my new pipe thinking to myself: is someone playing a joke on me? Is it a real smoking pipe? Remember, I am a newbie.
Anyway I decided to give it a try. So I filed her up lit and started smoking. And loo and behold, what I got was a fine smoke. She burnt quite nicely, even though she is a short one she feels nice her smoke is cold without burning my tongue, the bowl did not heated up and burned quite cold and the small bowl gave me almost an half an hour of smoking. And since I'm a clencher, she is so light that you could put her in your mouth and forget about her.
All in all exactly what I wanted end even more.
So I guess that size doesn’t matter after all. :lol:
Just wanted to share a nice surprise I got.
I looked around on eBay and found this nice small pipe that I thought was exactly what I looked for.pipe.So I decided to give it try and ordered that pipe. Yesterday it arrived. I rushed to the post office, took the envelope opened it and looked at my new pipe thinking to myself: is someone playing a joke on me? Is it a real smoking pipe? Remember, I am a newbie.
Anyway I decided to give it a try. So I filed her up lit and started smoking. And loo and behold, what I got was a fine smoke. She burnt quite nicely, even though she is a short one she feels nice her smoke is cold without burning my tongue, the bowl did not heated up and burned quite cold and the small bowl gave me almost an half an hour of smoking. And since I'm a clencher, she is so light that you could put her in your mouth and forget about her.
All in all exactly what I wanted end even more.
So I guess that size doesn’t matter after all. :lol:
Just wanted to share a nice surprise I got.