A Som Besths Miracle: Thank You HawkeyeLinus

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Jun 26, 2016
Near Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I could just have sent @HawkeyeLinus a PM but I thought this public display of gratitude might embarass him slightly more.

I have always been struck by the generosity that is shown on this forum. I think the world at large could learn a thing or two about how to behave from this small alcove on the internet. One of the most visible threads to see this gratitude is the PMSS threads. Last years was no exception.

But when Gregg told me to expect a mysterious package in the mail, I wasnt expecting something like this.

Thank you Greg for the incredible gift!


Look at this wrapping!

Inside, a very cool bottle opener (at least someone got one)


A festive tamper!


But the really cool / generous part, a beautiful Christmas 2024 Peterson!


Very nice and totally unexpected!

Gregg, may the spirit of Som Besths continually touch you throughout the year (Wait what). Thank you very much, but as I've already said, this was very much unneeded.


Oct 16, 2020
Yes, no acknowledgement expected, believe me, but thanks!

And before anyone gets sappy . . . I intended to send the tamper the first year he was Santa, and didn't get around to it, last year I didn't contribute to the gift because I was going to send him a pipe and didn't get around to it, so this is PSS - Procrastination Secret Santa. When I saw you could actually find a pipe related bottle opener - all in on finally getting it done (and still didn't get it done until February, haha).

Can't imagine running the rat race that is Secret Santa. Mike is the one to thank.

Mailed it February 1 - it languished in Canadian Customs for weeks, had me nervous!


Dec 22, 2013
New York
Very nice gesture. Now everyone who was in on Secret Santa will copy this and poor old Mike will have to endure several weeks of back to back package deliveries containing pipe stoppers, all sorted Brylon Pipes with the odd Falcon thrown in along with everyones cellar sweepings bagged up ready for use in next years Secret Satan! But seriously @HawkeyeLinus that was really thoughtful and exactly why I hang out in this place as opposed to other forums!