A Small Budget Pipe Rotation Aided By Genorosity

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Feb 15, 2017
New Hampshire, USA
I now have a decent rotation of pipes that is a result of a very small cash outlay, less than $97 on Ebay and 3 gifts from a forum member. It is odd that I have yet to let myself smoke 7 of them, for what reason I am not sure. Well, I started a bowl in the Mountbatten but realized it was going to take 3 days so I dumped it and packed a smaller pipe. Have not touched the GBDs yet or one of the Civics because they were unsmoked NOS and I am saving one for trading. A few others for various reasons. I modified one of the cobs with a reed that was a gift and it smokes amazingly well and cool. I need to unwrap the copper and rewrap it with a bit of care and less scotch. Thanks to the free pipes here for my first 2 pipes, one of which, a Meer I have forgotten to include in the photo.




Feb 21, 2013
Those are all the pipes you need, but it's good to get exactly the ones you have in mind, since they'll last for many decades. They all look good, and some have nifty somewhat unusual shapes. uyyjnhhh (that's my cat's comment, and I think she approves).



Feb 15, 2017
New Hampshire, USA
Wow! Today I spent 3 hours working on the struts on our Honda and then 2 hours in Atlanta traffic for a doctor's appt. A harried day to say the least. But I had a box at home waiting. I have been amazed at the generosity of folks on this board. And, today I received a Wow surprise when I opened a box sent to me from SnowyOwl. I have wanted one of these Al Pascia pipes (actually I have lusted after this particular shape and finish) and now I have one....Tom, Thank you very much! What a fantastic surprise! And thank you to everyone for the generous spirit of this board.


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