Yesterday to my joy I unboxed a fancy grained Grade 1 Nording. To my sorrow, I had to break it in, and that first bowl was just horrible, hot, and bitter.
My pipe was so hot, during the first four or five smokes I was afraid it might burn out the bottom, or char the briar all the way through.
It kept getting a little better each smoke, and now on bowl number nine I’m finally enjoying this gorgeous pipe.
But this same time last evening, smoking the same tobacco, in the same pipe, I couldn’t hold it, and now it’s just warm to my touch.
Where does the heat go, when you smoke?
Something about breaking in a briar cures that briar to where it insulates it, but that heat goes somewhere.
I can’t be going out the bit with the smoke because the smoke is cooler now than last night.
Maybe the burning tobacco was hotter, but I was if anything smoking slower and easier, last night, when the outside of the pipe was scalding, scorching hot.
The heat must mostly vent out the top, but when I put my hand over the top, it’s not nearly as hot as the outside of the bowl was yesterday.
I’d like some opinions on this mystery, but right now I’m glad my fancy Nording seems that it’s going to live.
My pipe was so hot, during the first four or five smokes I was afraid it might burn out the bottom, or char the briar all the way through.
It kept getting a little better each smoke, and now on bowl number nine I’m finally enjoying this gorgeous pipe.
But this same time last evening, smoking the same tobacco, in the same pipe, I couldn’t hold it, and now it’s just warm to my touch.
Where does the heat go, when you smoke?
Something about breaking in a briar cures that briar to where it insulates it, but that heat goes somewhere.
I can’t be going out the bit with the smoke because the smoke is cooler now than last night.
Maybe the burning tobacco was hotter, but I was if anything smoking slower and easier, last night, when the outside of the pipe was scalding, scorching hot.
The heat must mostly vent out the top, but when I put my hand over the top, it’s not nearly as hot as the outside of the bowl was yesterday.
I’d like some opinions on this mystery, but right now I’m glad my fancy Nording seems that it’s going to live.