I had an exhausting day, today. I picked up an over-sized load, a very large crate containing some sort of laser, at the port in Baltimore. The thing is huge and needed to be tarped.
The biggest problem was that the top of the crate was basically sheet metal and so I couldn't climb on or walk on it. That presented a real challenge as to exactly how I was to get the tarps over the thing.
After thinking about it for a while I rigged a couple of load straps together, end to end, and tossed it over the load from one end to the other. I then attached a tarp to that and used the strap ratchet to winch the tarp over the load. Quite a lot of very slow work doing it that way.
Each tarp is about 100 lbs, and hauling just one of them over the load inch by inch took about 90 minutes, and it took four of them to cover the load. It pretty much took me all day to get the thing tarped. By the time I had finished I was filthy, sore, and completely worn out so I called it a day.
Besides, thanks to the after-effects of Irene the state is being very slow about issuing permits and I can't leave until I at least get the Maryland one. I checked into the hotel here at the truck stop for a meal, hot shower, and much needed rest.
I considered going to the bar a couple of blocks from here, but in the end decided that I am just too tired and need rest more than drinks.
The biggest problem was that the top of the crate was basically sheet metal and so I couldn't climb on or walk on it. That presented a real challenge as to exactly how I was to get the tarps over the thing.
After thinking about it for a while I rigged a couple of load straps together, end to end, and tossed it over the load from one end to the other. I then attached a tarp to that and used the strap ratchet to winch the tarp over the load. Quite a lot of very slow work doing it that way.
Each tarp is about 100 lbs, and hauling just one of them over the load inch by inch took about 90 minutes, and it took four of them to cover the load. It pretty much took me all day to get the thing tarped. By the time I had finished I was filthy, sore, and completely worn out so I called it a day.
Besides, thanks to the after-effects of Irene the state is being very slow about issuing permits and I can't leave until I at least get the Maryland one. I checked into the hotel here at the truck stop for a meal, hot shower, and much needed rest.
I considered going to the bar a couple of blocks from here, but in the end decided that I am just too tired and need rest more than drinks.