A Little Too Wet or a Little Too Dry?

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May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I have come to the conclusion that I would rather err on the side of too wet than too dry in terms of my tobacco humidity. I can handle a little moist with pipe smoking technique i.e slower smoking. When the tobacco gets too dry, no matter how much I adjust my technique the tobacco burns hot and the flavors go to crap. I recently let some flake sit out longer than I should have and it smoked like crap. No matter how slow I smoked it burned real hot and the blend tasted lousy. There have been times when I do not let it dry totally but I never run into the hot smoke or no taste issue when that happens. I can slow my smoking so I do not get tongue bite so if I am going to screw up I would rather do it on the moist side. Now 95 percent of the time I let my tobacco dry properly so it is not a big deal but I will now be very cognizant about ever letting it get too dry.
So has anyone else thought about their humidity levels in these terms?



Jul 27, 2012
Really funny you should mention this Harris. Tonight I've been smoking an very dry tobacco (crispy even) and it was burning very hot - scorched my tongue a bit. I didn't attribute it to the dryness, but now you're making me wonder.



Might Stick Around
Jan 25, 2013
I'm the opposite. I'd rather my smoke be on the dry side as opposed to overly moist. But I suppose I'm with the majority (judging from what I've read here).



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
six, I did that last night and it got me too really think about this subject. I got busy making dinner for the kids and let some sit out for about 2.5 hours and when I went to smoke it I was very displeased in how it smoked. It was a bowl of Wessex Brigade Campaign Dark Flake and I know that tobacco well. Just last week I wanted to smoke a bowl of that but did not want to wait to dry it so I smoked it right out of the tin a little moist and it tasted great as long as I really took it slow.



Oct 26, 2012
lol Harris. I asked just that question in a thread this morning "Overly Dry Baccy". Guess I needed a catchier headline.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
LOL, Jeff, I just read your thread, it is very similar. Maybe you should have added the wet component with a catchier title. hehe. I could definitely see where ODF being too dry would be very harsh and like a cigarette.

Dec 24, 2012
I screwed up yesterday with some Navigator. Left it out way too long, and when I smoked it, it was tongue burn city.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Cigrmaster... 99 times out of a hundred I would agree with you...

As a matter of fact I don't dry my tobacco at all, most of the time.

However; there is one exception (as there is with most things) that being Grousemoor.

I found that the tastes are a lot brighter, in that particular blend, than when it still contains some moisture.
Like said that's the exception.

Other than that... I'm in agreement.




Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 6, 2012
A little more moist is better than too dry. When I'm at work and don't have time to set some out to dry I just crank up the defroster and set some on the dash on the lid. Doesn't take long. Ribbon dries real quick so be vigilant.



Dec 28, 2012
Most flakes I just know how long it takes in my climate and almost by looking at the cubes can almost tell. A quick touch and I like it with a small amount of moisture. I notice a drop in flavor, not only the heat in a dried out flake and will always drop it in a tin with a humidifier coin cutting up a new one. Broken flake like H&H AK, which is very wet takes a long time to dry, I treat a little different. I’ll let a few bowls dry until a little wetter than I like, then put it in an old Escudo tin and for a day or two it will be just right, or 5 minutes on the plate.



Jul 27, 2012
six, I did that last night and it got me too really think about this subject. I got busy making dinner for the kids and let some sit out for about 2.5 hours and when I went to smoke it I was very displeased in how it smoked...Just last week I wanted to smoke a bowl of that but did not want to wait to dry it so I smoked it right out of the tin a little moist and it tasted great as long as I really took it slow
Harris, after reading your post I dumped out my pipe and filled it with some fresh tobacco and lo and behold, I enjoyed a much cooler smoke. I don't mind drying my tobacco a little, but the one I was smoking was overly dry and burning very hot - I think you're on to something.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Lawrence, I have never smoked that blend but it does snot surprise me it would be an exception. FVF for me is one blend I smoke drier than all others, it just performs better.
six, sometimes it is just better to admit our mistakes and start over. No reason to have a lousy smoke for an hour plus for 75 cents or so. It is really amazing that a blend can smoke so hot because it is a tad too dry.

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