Not to pile on but this is something I've been thinking about recently and haven't had a good answer for. For years the consensus of a good Sobranie 759 match has been to just go with Hearth & Home's WhiteKnight or Sutliff's bulk match. I went with Sutliff's bulk match and despite not really liking balkans or englishes very much I really enjoyed it, really scratched a dark spicy oriental itch I didn't know I had.
Obviously with Sutliff kicking the bucket neither of those are an option going forward. So what's a good alternative? I don't think I'm going to just buy up several pounds of Sutliff 759 Match, I frankly don't like it or smoke it that much but it would be nice to have something to fall back on when I do get a craving.
Obviously with Sutliff kicking the bucket neither of those are an option going forward. So what's a good alternative? I don't think I'm going to just buy up several pounds of Sutliff 759 Match, I frankly don't like it or smoke it that much but it would be nice to have something to fall back on when I do get a craving.