A good first non-aro

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Can't Leave
May 19, 2015
Muskegon Michigan
Well guys I am about a month in and have smoked exclusively aros. Since the last few weeks i have been smoking alone (not worried the wife wont like the smell of any paticular blend) what would be a good first non aro to try? So far i have dipped into rum and vanilla flavored aros. Where do I go from here as a newbie?



May 25, 2012
The obvious move is to try an English blend (i.e. a blend that has Latakia and other Orientals in it, along with Virginias). It really doesn't matter which one you try, just as long as it's a good one. That is, many folks will say that you should try a "light" English blend (i.e. one with less Latakia), but I don't think that's necessary.
The virtue of English blends is that the flavors are pretty obvious, even to a novice. Contrast that with straight Virginias, which tend to be more subtle and also require more careful smoking cadence.
I'd recommend any of the Dunhill blends -- Early Morning Pipe, My Mixture 965 or Nightcap -- for a first English blend. But there are dozens of really good ones from other makers that you might try.
Also, you might consider Frog Morton or Frog Morton on the Bayou -- they're English/Latakia blends, but they also have a good portion of unflavored Cavendish, so they taste somewhat similar to many aromatic blends.



Jun 23, 2013
South Dakota
I have a growing fondness for Hearth & Home Anniversary Kake, which is a Virginia Perique blend that I think is mighty tasty, and the preparation is forgiving related to packing/lighting for someone new to the hobby.



May 25, 2012
Nightcap was my first non-aro (that I remember) and it got me totally hooked. I had smoked aros from time to time in an old Grabow (I really didn't know there were other kinds of pipe tobacco) and Nightcap was a revelation. I never knew that pipe tobacco could have such clean, refreshing flavors. I'm mainly a burley and VA smoker these days, though.

May 4, 2015
Nightcap is good. Very good. It's about as far a swing of the needle from an aromatic as you can go though, so don't judge all Englishes by its virtues. There are some things that set it apart.
1. Perique - It adds some spicy funkiness to it that you'll not find in most Englishes (the main reason I LOVE Nightcap)

2. Strengh - It is definitely that. Not necessarily nicotine, but robustness of flavor.



Feb 21, 2013
I think you'll love Nightcap ... eventually. I'd start out with a small quantity of something milder. You can always move up in strength, but why not take it easy at first, with either Dunhill's Early Morning Blend, or if you want something special for an introduction, Nat Sherman's 536, mild but really delightful complex flavor, a real treat. Keep your quantities small with tins or bulk tobacco, even when you think you've found something terrific. As a new pipe smoker, you want to try around quite a bit. I'd give it several years before buying anything in much more than 2 ounce quantity, even if it's your current favorite. After trying a mild English or two, you can branch out into the Virginias and Virginia/Periques, and some of the incredible burley blends from Cornell & Diehl and others (start mild again, I'd suggest). Take your time, and take it easy.



Jun 23, 2013
South Dakota
I don't know pipesmokingtom- I find there's plenty of nicotine in Nightcap.
I will echo pitchfork's statement- Nightcap is one of the first non-aros I tried, and it was like..."So THIS is what pipe tobacco is!" The differences are subtle enough that, even if you don't love it, you will encounter the obvious difference between those two words enough to know if you should keep exploring.
And, if you haven't smoked latakia before, the tin or sample will smell like a campfire. Some love the smell, some find it off putting but it doesn't necessarily taste that intense- make sure give it a try even if you find the smell overwhelming.
Since then, my tastes have shifted and I primarily smoke other blends now (VaPers), but Nightcap definitely inaugurated me into a new, wonderful world.

May 4, 2015
I don't know pipesmokingtom- I find there's plenty of nicotine in Nightcap.
Plenty, yes, but take the hyperbolic "it'll put you to sleep" or "full stomach or else" with a grain of salt is all I'm saying. I don't know how much more it'll have in it than a burley-based aromatic. Don't be scared! Latakia/Perique for life!



Dec 14, 2013
Seeing that you've been only smoking aro's a good and gentle/easy crossover would be 'Bald Headed Teacher' (available only from 4noggins), or Frog Morton Cellar. Both are what I would consider semi-aromatics for lack of a better description. Both, albeit there are others, are great tobaccos for one first getting into Latakia blends. Another, as someone else mentioned, would be Early Morning Pipe or possibly My Mixture 965. Nightcap is good, but if your not used to a relatively high nicotine content take it easy with that one.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Having branched out myself from aros I'd suggest Peter Stokkebye's Luxury Bullseye Flake. It has a bit of that creamy sweetness that you're used to in aromatics, but it has a bit of spicy peppery flavor from the Perique that's very interesting. I found it as a wonderful first blend into the world of VaPers.



Dec 14, 2013
Having branched out myself from aros I'd suggest Peter Stokkebye's Luxury Bullseye Flake.
Yep, most definitely a good blend if you're not interested in any Latakia blends to make a switch over from aro's.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 17, 2015
Northern NY
I'll add Sutliff English Oriental to the mix. It is a bit light but with a very nice taste and after taste. It burns well too.

I found Night Cap a bit too strong for my first non aro and have set it aside for now but really find this SEO is a great smoke and reasonably priced as well.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 26, 2013
Great Falls, VA
Frog Morton (several different combinations under the Frog Morton umbrella) or Dunhill Early Morning (my favorite English). If you are nicotine sensitive, as I am, you might want to work your way up to Nightcap. I have never understood that name since the ONE time I smoked it in the evening, I was wired for hours and never got to sleep!



Jan 27, 2013
Jiujitsubowl, you should give the VaPer blend known as "Deception Pass" by Seattle Pipe Club a try. You can find it at Pipes and Cigars along with the other delicious blends that the Seattle Pipe Club is famous for. :puffy:



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I will recommend Capstan Blue Flake, Brigham Klondike Gold and Escudo. All three are flakes and easily obtainable. Once you delve into the world of flakes, you will become one of the most interesting men in the world, as we all know flake smokers are a breed apart. You will need to research the many different ways to prepare and smoke flakes, but you will have a blast learning how to become a flake smoker.
Seriously, flakes for my tastes provide the coolest and most flavorful smokes, a great flake for room note and flavor is Mac Baren Vanilla Creem Flake. I have tried all the other cuts of tobacco, I was an English smoker and did enjoy those blends for a few years, but ended up smoking flakes exclusively after all was said and done. I would definitely try some English blneds to see if you like them. One English blend that I really enjoyed was Two Friends Deacons Downfall. It has 5 different ingredients and is a very complex blend. It is made by a couple of great blenders, Gregory Pease(the Dark Lord) and Craig Tarlar(R.I.P of C&D fame). Let us know what you end up trying and if there are any blends that you enjoy).

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