It is with a very real sense of regret that I have had to decide to forego the indisputable pleasures of both the pipe and this fine forum because of my Agent Orange-induced coronary artery disease. I had cut back to one or two bowls a week, but it's hard to maintain such a low level of enjoyment. The temptation to sneak up my smoking and the very real potential for that to aggravate a very serious condition makes it necessary for me to just stop being a pipe smoker. The decision to also stop being a part of this forum is a hard one, but it would just be to vicarious for me to continue perusing these lively and informative discussions. I want to say how very much I have enjoyed myself here and how much I wish things were different. But they're not. So thanks to all who helped me learn to enjoy the pipe. May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. Godspeed and best wishes.