To give you a little background I started smoking a pipe about three years ago when I stopped smoking cigarettes. I needed something to go with my morning coffee instead of the usual cigarette and smoking a pipe worked great. I tried various tobaccos but settled on mainly OTC's, Half and Half, Prince Albert, Carter Hall etc. During the day I dip Skoal or use bandits at work. I want to stop using the Skoal and Bandits all together and would rather smoke a pipe all day. With that in mind I wanted to start thinking of myself as just a pipe smoker instead of a "dipper" who smoked a bowl or two a day.
With that in mind I was wondering if you guys out there who smoke a pipe all day not only for the pleasure of smoking a pipe but also for the nicotine could tell me what a typical day for you and your pipe is like. For example when do you have your first bowl? Do you smoke one after another? What do you usually smoke and do you smoke more than one blend in a day? Do you use the same pipe all day? Or anything else you can say that describes what a typical day is for you and your pipe. Growing up I didn't have any pipe smokers to emulate and so I'm sort of looking for a mentor to help me in my journey to becoming a full time pipe smoker. Any and all replies would be greatly appreciated.
With that in mind I was wondering if you guys out there who smoke a pipe all day not only for the pleasure of smoking a pipe but also for the nicotine could tell me what a typical day for you and your pipe is like. For example when do you have your first bowl? Do you smoke one after another? What do you usually smoke and do you smoke more than one blend in a day? Do you use the same pipe all day? Or anything else you can say that describes what a typical day is for you and your pipe. Growing up I didn't have any pipe smokers to emulate and so I'm sort of looking for a mentor to help me in my journey to becoming a full time pipe smoker. Any and all replies would be greatly appreciated.