A Few Blends, Quick Ranks

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Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 23, 2019
I've had the chance to try quite a few blends this past week. Here are some quick yes/no ratings as to whether or not I will seek to buy more, and maybe a quick note.

FM Original, Perhaps, completely distinct flavor that's magically delicious.

FM OTT, Yes, tastes to me like a more pronounced FM original.

Fillmore 2006, Yes, what a smoke, probably now my number 2 after Escudo for VaPer. How does a fresh can taste though?

Savinelli 145, No, good smoke but the aftertaste killed me.

Dunbar, No, not rich enough

Tilbury, Perhaps, need to a bit more time with it.

Dorchester, Yes, exquisite tin note, from topping to tobacco flavor just simply of the highest quality.


Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 23, 2019
Please update this thread in 6 months or so. It's always interesting to see what sticks.
It is. A few that have stuck are St Bruno, Ye Olde Signe, and Escudo. I haven't tire down those. But yeah, there was a time I smoked OJK every morning, loved it. One day, just never picked it up again and traded about 12 oz of it to move on.
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Jul 23, 2020
Washington DC
Love Fillmore! One of it’s strengths is how good it is even when fresh. It has a smidge of Latakia in there, almost undetectable. I think the Lat has something to do with a fresh can tasting so rich.
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Apr 26, 2020
Where NY, CT & MA meet
Even if you pay scalper price for Penzance it is less than a beer and a lot less than a good cigar. All these are out there if you do the leg work. I just paid $45.00 of a bag of Penzance in the last drop.
Cool. My biggest problem is stuff disappearing when I’m not looking. We were building a house and I was out of the loop for a few years and not paying attention. Pulled some stuff out of the cellar last year and said, wow! I have to get more of this. Turns out it’s either gone (Bracken Flake) or hard to find (Ennerdale, Kendal Cream) plus some others. Gawith has stabilized but hunting unicorns is not for me (except on rare occasion). I wish you infinite success in a continuation of your supply without undue effort.


Feb 21, 2013
It's an oft repeated line for me, but save the ones you don't like, jar them, and try again in a year or so. It's amazing how some blends improve, not so much with age, but maybe with experience and figuring them out (subconsciously?) in the meantime. Many blends that were real dogs on the first try blossom months later.


Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 8, 2021
Chicagoland area
If you find a food frog morton original match let me know, it’s a blend that I miss very much and can’t find a replacement for it.
Food.... took me a minute to figure typo?. Good....?
You won’t find a clone, no match or close facsimile. Just move on to some other top notch English blends.
I like Maltese Falcon and Westminster from GL Pease
MM965 And EMP from Peterson
HH Latakia Flake from MacBaren
McConnell Original Oriental
HU Tigray and Fayyum
Astley’s 99
Boswell’s Northwoods
LJ Peretti Omega, Tashkent, British Blend (my personal favorite) and Royal
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Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 23, 2019
Im surprised you didn't like Dunbar thats one of my favorites.


Aug 28, 2012
Food.... took me a minute to figure typo?. Good....?
You won’t find a clone, no match or close facsimile. Just move on to some other top notch English blends.
I like Maltese Falcon and Westminster from GL Pease
MM965 And EMP from Peterson
HH Latakia Flake from MacBaren
McConnell Original Oriental
HU Tigray and Fayyum
Astley’s 99
Boswell’s Northwoods
LJ Peretti Omega, Tashkent, British Blend (my personal favorite) and Royal
Oops typo on that. The GLP blends are good, emp is great. I haven’t found a crossover like frog morton. The sweetness in it is totally unique to any other blend ive ever bought.
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