7/28/21: But, What the Hell, Here Goes Nothing! ☕️

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May 2, 2018
Bucks County, PA
I’m not one to stick with a blend from cracking-to-crumbs. I enjoy variety too much and my ADHD mostly prevents me from housing a tin at a time.

But, I’m gonna give it a try with a blend I know I like, but never truly appreciated. What’s more is I’m gonna smoke it in a pipe I know never fails for a quality smoke.

Some say you can’t understand & truly appreciate a blend until you’ve smoked an entire tin at least. I don’t know if that’s the case, but what the hell…here goes nothing!?☕



Feb 21, 2013
In recent years,I have always had a considerable rotation; I like the variety. But I definitely think that smoking through a tin, pouch, or jar of a blend is a learning experience, and you develop knowledge about how to pack, smoke, and savor a blend over time. It's a learning curve. I don't think you have to do this only one blend at a time, but I do think it helps to focus on particular blends and learn about then, and don't just keep shifting from one to the next for shear novelty. Tell us how this blend evolves for you over time. You may tire of it, or it may unfold unsuspected virtues you have not yet discovered.


Aug 20, 2013
I knew a guy from Tinderbox who would go to JR and buy a 100g MC tin, and smoke the whole thing before he would buy another. In comparison at a year in, once I had discovered the wonderland of a forum, the JR forum, yes, which tells you how ancient I am, I bought at least a dozen tobaccos within a few months. And it just continued this way. By three or four years I had a 200 lb cellar.
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May 2, 2018
Bucks County, PA
Well, I actually did it. Smoked the entire tin in this IMP without wandering for another blend or bowl. And, as many of you already know…this stuff is awesome. It took me a little over 2 weeks to finish. I had to restrain myself one night from wandering over to Revor country. Now, I’m gonna smoke that bit of Revor and think of another tin to crack and investigate. ?☕


Dec 8, 2020
East Coast USA
Well, I actually did it. Smoked the entire tin in this IMP without wandering for another blend or bowl. And, as many of you already know…this stuff is awesome. It took me a little over 2 weeks to finish. I had to restrain myself one night from wandering over to Revor country. Now, I’m gonna smoke that bit of Revor and think of another tin to crack and investigate. ?☕
View attachment 93086
My guess is you’ve made a lifelong friend by getting to know that blend. Obviously, you’ve enjoyed it from the start — who would force themselves to smoke a blend that didn’t “click”. I’m content with one or blend and occasional forays here and there. Thanks for the great post!