I’m not one to stick with a blend from cracking-to-crumbs. I enjoy variety too much and my ADHD mostly prevents me from housing a tin at a time.
But, I’m gonna give it a try with a blend I know I like, but never truly appreciated. What’s more is I’m gonna smoke it in a pipe I know never fails for a quality smoke.
Some say you can’t understand & truly appreciate a blend until you’ve smoked an entire tin at least. I don’t know if that’s the case, but what the hell…here goes nothing!?

But, I’m gonna give it a try with a blend I know I like, but never truly appreciated. What’s more is I’m gonna smoke it in a pipe I know never fails for a quality smoke.
Some say you can’t understand & truly appreciate a blend until you’ve smoked an entire tin at least. I don’t know if that’s the case, but what the hell…here goes nothing!?