Drew Estate (famous for their infused cigars) collaborated with Tsuge (known for their high-quality pipes) to make a line of aromatic pipe tobaccos. We have reviews of "Spring" and "Summer" from Tsuge.
East India Trading Co. (Gurkha Cigars), known for fancy packaging, high-end prices, and unique cigar blends offers three rum-infused aromatics that were rather interesting smokes.
Check out 5 Aromatic Pipe Tobaccos from Cigar Cos. in one review here -
The Journey Is My Home
East India Trading Co. (Gurkha Cigars), known for fancy packaging, high-end prices, and unique cigar blends offers three rum-infused aromatics that were rather interesting smokes.
Check out 5 Aromatic Pipe Tobaccos from Cigar Cos. in one review here -
The Journey Is My Home